10 - Happy

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I rummaged my locker, trying to find my math notebook but with no luck. I remembered that I left it at home because I didn't finish my homework.

I hit my head against the lockers, sighing. "I should just say that my dog ate it," I mumbled under my breath. "Wait, I don't have a dog... Should I just own up to it?"

I suddenly heard a low chuckle from behind me.

"What happened, Rena?" Taehyung placed his head against the lockers, facing me at my eye level with a smile. "Forgot your notebook?"

I hummed and booped his nose. "Should I lie or nah?"

He pulled me towards himself by my waist while chuckling and kissed my forehead, causing my cheeks to flush.

"There are people here," I stammered, feeling flustered but giddy.

"I know," he said before kissing my cheek this time.

This man will be the death of me...

"You didn't even answer my question, Tae," I whined and slipped out of his hold to close my locker. "We should go to our class now. Lesson's about to start."

His smile was still there when he was staring at me like I was the most beautiful person in this world.

I shook my head before grabbing his hand and dragging him to our class. "Stop staring at me, please. You know how I feel when you do that."

He shrugged. "I can't help it... You're just too beautiful to not stare at."


It has been a few days since Taehyung and I started dating, but I still couldn't get used to him openly showing affections even though they made me beyond happy every time.

I couldn't even believe it when he confessed to me, when I realized that he returned my feelings. Ever since then, every single moment, I was overflowing with ecstasy.

I didn't know if I could be this happy...

"Okay, class," the teacher yelled as she started handing out papers. "It's time to write down what you want to do in the future. Write your goals and dreams on these papers. It's your last year of high school, so this is very important."

My future...

My parents always wanted me to become a lawyer or something of the sort. But I didn't want that... I wanted to become a writer. Someone who creates her own world, who lets others see everything through her own eyes and helps them escape the mundane reality of their lives.

It would be nice if I could become one.

After a while, the teacher collected all the papers and started going through them.

She suddenly sighed out loud. "Joohee!"


"This must be a joke now..." she mumbled before looking at her sternly. "Why did you write this kind of a thing? Do it again."

"Whaat? I don't wanna. What's wrong with it?"

The teacher pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed again. "'I want to be married to a rich and handsome guy like Kim Taehyung'... I asked for you to write what you wanted to be in the future, Joohee."

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