3 - Transfer student

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"Did you hear? A new transfer student is on their way to our class!"

"And?" I was busy trying to finish my homework in class before it started. I couldn't believe that I forgot to do it yesterday. I was so immersed in watching Boku no hero academia that I finished two whole seasons, binge watching. Now I was regretting that. Hard.

Evelyn dropped on her seat before me and leaned towards me. "What do you mean 'And'? What if it's a hot dude? One of us could, like, finally experience youth, you know?" She was excited.

I chuckled. "In our last year? With a dude who we're just meeting? Heck no."

I always avoided dating. High school love usually doesn't last long and I didn't want that. I always liked the idea of soulmates and true love, but people would tell me that it never existed. That didn't stop me from dreaming though. Plus, I had my soulmate, Lyn here with me who supported this belief of mine.

"Oh you could just try. Who knows?" She smirked and nudged me while I groaned.

"Stooop. I'm dying here!" My hand didn't stop moving and was about to get cramps from all the writing.

"I told you to stop binge watching, but no, you didn't listen," she added fire. "Now look at you getting abs on your hand."

"Shut up."

The bell rang and I finished it as soon as the teacher stepped in.

"Hallelujah!" I whisper-yelled.

"Alright class!" The teacher said, gaining the students' attention. "We have a new student today. Come on in!"

My eyes widened and I almost choked. A very tall and handsome man came in. His face looked like it was drawn, so smooth and sharp. I've never seen such a perfect, symmetrical face in my life.

His aura was everywhere. It was drawing people to him, like a moth to a flame. It was quite intimidating.

"Is he even real?" was the first thing I thought.

He smiled after coming up to the front and my breath hitched. His smile was so adorable, unlike the impression I got when I first laid my eyes on him.

"Hi guys! My name is Kim Taehyung. I hope we all can get along with each other," he said and bowed with a huge smile.

The girls screamed and squealed, and I swore I heard some dying noises from the back. Typical.

Lyn turned back at me and whispered, "I told you it might be a hot dude. What do you think?"

I looked back at him and our eyes met. An electrifying sensation took over me and I quickly looked down. It felt so foreign but so familiar. It was scary but comforting. My feelings were all over the place and I felt like crying, but why?

What's wrong with me?

"Okay, Taehyung, your seat is at the back, next to the window." I heard the teacher say and I was somehow relieved. My heart was hurting just by looking at him and I didn't want him near me anytime soon.

He walked past me and I started shaking just by his presence.

What the fuck is wrong with me?!

"Rena, are you okay?"

I shook my head. "Can we go to the bathroom? I don't feel so good..."

Lyn held my hand and pulled me up before walking up to the teacher and saying, "Mr. Jung, my stomach is killing me. I gotta run to the bathroom with Rena."

"You girls and your running to the bathroom together... Fine, go."

We nodded and walked out. Before I left, I glanced back at the new student.

He was looking back at me...

A/N: Taehyung, stop being creepy 🛑 ✋

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