11 - Separation

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"Rena? Why are you crying?"

Lyn came up to me and pulled me into her embrace before wiping my tears. Her voice was soft as she tried to pacify my sobs.

"Tell me, what happened?"

I sniffled before burying my face into her neck.

"T-Taehyung..." Sniffle. "He broke up with me."


I showed her the message he just sent me when I was about to go to sleep. He told me that I didn't mean anything to him and he didn't want me anymore.

Why did he say that all of a sudden?

I thought that he really loved me...

I couldn't believe what was happening.

It hurt so much...

"How dare that son of a bish do this to you?! Give me his address! I'll make him pay for what he's done!"

My sobs only grew louder at her outburst and I shook my head before leaning in further to find some kind of comfort as that was the only thing I so desperately needed.

My chest was being squeezed, making it harder for me to inhale. I hit my chest repeatedly, trying my hardest to breathe.

"Did he lie to me all this time?" I whimpered, clutching her stained shirt. "I don't believe it, Lyn. Please tell me he's lying. Please..."

She only rubbed my back and held me close to her without saying anything.


I couldn't believe my eyes.

I stopped on my tracks when I saw Joohee and Taehyung walking together.

"So where do you want to go after school today?" She held his hand and walked to the school beside him. "How about going to the movies?"

He smiled down at her and suddenly kissed her cheek, making her squeal and giggle.

"What is this? He already has another girlfriend now?" Lyn fumed beside me.

Taehyung heard her and turned his head to look at us.

His eyes fell on me.

I couldn't read his expression as his eyes looked dead and lifeless.

He stared at me for a while before turning away and walking towards the school, leaving without saying anything.

He wasn't joking.

He really didn't have any feelings for me.

We really did break up, didn't we?

"This fuc-"

I grabbed Lyn's hand to stop her before she could stomp towards them and do something unnecessary.

I shouldn't care about who he goes out with now. We were no longer together. I should mind my own business and let him do whatever he wanted.

He doesn't love me...

He doesn't love-

Tears streamed down my cheeks and I felt weak. I felt nauseous.

I couldn't handle it.

I didn't want to break up with him.

I was a fool to fall in love with him.

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