14 - Tell me

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I took a deep breath while looking up at the tall glass building. It looked pretty scary.

"Be confident," I whispered to myself. "It's just a trivial interview. You'll be fine."

Gulping hard, I stepped inside and walked up to the receptionist lady. She smiled at me, bowing.

"How may I help you?"

Do I have to act like that when I get the job?

I cleared my throat. "Yes. I'm here for a job interview?"

"Oh! You should go to the Human Resource department at the eleventh floor. The elevator is that way." She gestured at her left.

I thanked her and walked to the elevator, pressing the button with my shaky hand. Just talking to the receptionist was nerve wrecking.

The door opened and I went inside before pressing eleven. I was relieved that there wasn't anyone else in the elevator.

Humming a tune, I played with my nails to calm down, repeatedly reminding myself that it would be fine.


I huffed a breath and walked out. Scanning the rooms, I stopped in front of the door with the plate that said, "Human Resource department".

After knocking on it, I opened it to peek inside. Only one woman was sitting on a computer while the two other desks were empty.

"Hello. I'm here for the job interview," I said confidently.

"Oh, you're here." She smiled before walking to a pair of couches and gesturing at the one opposite her for me to sit.

I obliged and walked towards it before taking my seat in front of her.

"So our team received your application and reviewed it yesterday. We are pleased to say that we were quite impressed." She placed my application on the table. "So, why are you applying for this position?"

"Well... I wanted to improve my soft skills and gain experience from interacting with different types of people."

She nodded. "Our hotel receives foreign visitors all the time and your language skills are very appealing to us, you see. That's why, we are eager to recruit you."

My eyebrows jumped. "Really?"

"Yes," she chuckled. "We will talk about your work hours now."


"Thank you very much for accepting me." I bowed before walking out of the room.

"You're welcome," she exclaimed. "Work hard."

"I will!"

I started skipping back to the elevator with contentment, biting back the grin that was growing more and more. I couldn't believe that I was accepted that easily, and with so much special treatment for being a student.

The sound of a door opening echoed through the silent hallway.

"Camilla, I want a report on the employees' performance of this quarter."

I froze on my tracks.

That voice...

My heart started pounding fast and I slowly turned around before walking back towards the open room. I nervously peeked inside.

I couldn't believe my eyes.

"By the way, Mr. Kim, we recently recruited a new receptionist."

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