22 - The truth

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"I started going out with Taehyung again."

Lyn choked on her tea before coughing uncontrollably. Jimin patted her back, wiping her mouth while she glared at me with shocked eyes.


I knew she was going to be mad, but I didn't think she would be this mad.

I pursed my lips, feeling nervous.

"We met again not long ago and-"

"Woah, woah," she exclaimed, putting her hands up. "He suddenly appeared after all these years and wanted you back?! And you accepted him back just like that?! That dipshit doesn't deserve you! How d-"

"I love him, Lyn," I whimpered. "And I was the one who wanted him back..."

She rubbed her face frustratedly and heaved a sigh.

"He left you, right?" I turned to look at Jimin in confusion when he suddenly spoke up. "Why do you still chase after him? Don't you think it was better to leave him for good?"

I shook my head, forcing a smile. "I can't live without him... These past years, I tried so hard to erase him from my heart, and I kept telling myself that I was better off without him. But then, his stupid face would appear in my mind out of nowhere and... I would yearn for his warmth like an idiot every damn time."

I bit my lips, looking down. "Just a glimpse of him and I lost it. All the feelings and emotions that I wanted to bury away came down on me like a downpour... I wanted him to come back to me. I wanted him to love me again."

The love I had for him was overwhelming...

I was starting to believe it when he said that our love would transcend time.

"Rena... I want to show you something," Jimin said and stood up with a grave expression. "We have to visit my hometown."

I furrowed my brows.

Hometown? Does he think I have the time to go that far?

"H-Hometown?" Evelyn's eyes almost popped out as she looked at her boyfriend in shock.

Jimin looked at her with a soft smile that didn't quite reach his eyes. "I'll explain it to you later."

I suddenly coughed violently again and covered my mouth with a tissue.

Not again...

"Are you okay?"

I nodded before straining, "I'm fine."

I wasn't sure about that lately... The coughing seemed to only aggravate as days passed.

Maybe I should go to the hospital...

"I'll come to your dorm room after I chat with her for a while," Jimin assured my friend and placed a kiss on her forehead. "Be careful on your way, Lyn."

She hesitantly nodded and I stood up before walking out of the cafe with him.

"Um, Jimin? I don't know if I have the time to travel that far..."

He smiled at me and took my hand, walking into an empty alleyway.

W-Where is he taking me?

Should I trust him? I mean, he's my best friend's boyfriend, but still...

I gasped when our surroundings changed. The sky was black and there were tall buildings everywhere around us.

Did we just t-teleport?

"Welcome to my realm, the underworld," Jimin said as he still dragged me to somewhere. "When people die, their souls come here and are sent to their next lives by us, soul reapers."

"Wha- Y-You're a s-soul reaper?!"

"Yes," he said nonchalantly. "But don't worry, you're not dead. I just had to show you something. Your situation has degraded so much that I have no other choice but to interfere."

I can't believe this... I knew Lyn was into these kinds of stuff, but to think that she's dating a soul reaper!

"Is your relationship even allowed?" I asked, unsure.

Jimin gulped and whispered, "I don't think so..."

Oh my god...

All the people there were dressed in suits. When they saw me, they all sighed and turned away from me. Weren't they supposed to stop me?

We went inside a glass building where there were bodyguards everywhere. They didn't stop us when we passed through many doors until we reached an enormous hall room.

"This is where we store the memories of the deceased."


I looked around the room full of shelves with millions of snow globes on them.

Jimin led me to a secluded area and I scanned over some snow globes that were placed separately from the others.

"These are your memories. All 22 lives you have lived before."

I widened my eyes at him. "What...?"

"What I'm going to tell you, you have to listen to every word," he said, holding my shoulders and looking at me with a sad expression. "You and Taehyung were cursed. He is an immortal being who can't kill himself even if he wanted to. I've witnessed him try, but he only ended up bleeding but not dying every time."

My breath hitched, hearing him say such a thing. He did what?

"And you're cursed to reincarnate again and again until you two finally break your curses."

I blinked, trying to process what he was saying. "How?"

"It goes like this. If you two find each other, love each other and make a connection by kissing, you failed in that lifetime. But after that happens, if you die as you were supposed to, you won't reincarnate again, but he will stay immortal and live until the end of the earth without you. That's why... he has to kill you before your natural death happens in order to have you reincarnated again."

My breath got caught in my throat.

H-He will... k-kill me?

"Then... does that mean... he already killed me 22 times before?"

My heart dropped when Jimin nodded.

"Yes... he did."


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