20 - The visit

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I watched the scenery outside the window as we were flying by Taehyung's private jet.

"This really wasn't necessary... We could've just went by a normal plane."

I shifted on my seat, feeling a bit uncomfortable with the extravagance, but I also enjoyed the luxury in secret.

"I'm already used to using my own jet, so I can't fly in a normal plane... Sorry, Rena."

I shook my head. "It's fine."

"Besides, we will reach there faster this way," he exclaimed, leaning back on his recliner in front of me. "Gotta use what I have to the fullest."

I nodded.

I wondered just how much money he had. He was coughing out money every day and he still had mountains of them in his account.

I looked out the window when my mind became occupied by those diaries I found in his house again.

There was definitely something that I didn't know about him. He was hiding something from me ever since that day he broke up with me.

Was that connected to the diaries I read?


What did that name remind me of...?


We got off the jet when we arrived at my hometown sooner than I thought.

What a convenient way of traveling...

Taehyung held my hand while descending down the stairs and I thanked him after I stepped on land.

"Why are you thanking me?" He chuckled. "Let me treat my lady the way she should be treated."

Fighting back my blush, I nodded.

"Mr. Kim," a man wearing a suit said while bowing, "your ride is ready."

Taehyung nodded at him and then turned to me, extending his hand for me to hold.

"Let's go."


"Wait, wait."

Just when I was about to ring the doorbell, Taehyung held back my hand.

I looked at him, confused. "Why?"

"I just," he stammered, his eyes wavering and darting around the place.

I pursed my lips, biting back my smile. "Are you... nervous?"

With a sigh, he shut his eyes and nodded slowly. He looked so adorable, fidgeting and playing with the hem of his shirt, trying to calm his nerves.

Who knew such a respected, well esteemed and elite man, owner of a famous corporation would be this restless at the doorstep of his girlfriend's parents' house.

I took his hands in mine and placed a kiss on his cheek. My eyes gazed into his wide ones as I said, "Don't worry, Tae. They'll like you. Who wouldn't like such a sincere, loving man who cares so much about their daughter? Even if they don't, I won't let you go."

With a soft smile, he nodded.

I rang the bell and after a minute or so, the door opened, revealing my mother.

"Oh my, you really came?!"

She hugged me tightly and exclaimed, "Oh, how much we missed you, Rena! We were thinking of visiting you ourselves."

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