12 - Calico cat

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4 years later...

"I like you, Rena. Will you go out with me?"

I momentarily choked on my soda. I never imagined that the only guy friend I had would confess to me. I didn't want to lose him just like that.

You idiot, why are you confessing to me? I groaned internally.

"I'm sorry, Minho. I don't see you that way."

He forced a small smile and looked down at his hands below the table.

"I see."

Well, this is awkward...

"We can still be friends?" I smiled softly.

He looked up at me and nodded. "Of course. No hard feelings."

I nodded before looking at my watch.

"Well, I gotta get going now. I have class now," I said before finishing my soda and grabbing my bag to leave. I couldn't sit still in such a tense atmosphere.

"Yeah... Bye, Rena."

Seeing his sad face, I couldn't help but feel bad. But what can I do? Dating someone was useless... It only breaks your heart in the end.

I ran up out of the cafeteria and climbed up the stairs to the fourth floor to enter my classroom. It was quite empty since I came here more than ten minutes early.

I decided to keep writing on my journal for one of my homework. The teacher asked us to write a short story about heartbreak. I was more than experienced in that area.

Visiting the memories of my high school, I couldn't help but stop my pen when Taehyung's face flashed before my eyes.

Ever since I heard that he left the country, I have been missing him every single day.

I was hung up on him because he didn't explain anything to me... He just left me.

I was worried that something might had happened to him, and often wondered why he left.

Years had passed already and I should let him go and live my own life without thinking about him just like how he wanted, but somehow... I would always start missing him all of a sudden, as if on reflex.

I always wondered what he's doing at the moment.

"Alright class, sit down!"

I snapped out of my thoughts and looked around the classroom to see that it was full already.

I shouldn't daze off like that...

"Today we'll be continuing from the previous lesson. Now where did we stop?" The teacher fumbled with his book. "Ah yes, we were talking about great discoveries."

He crossed his arms and continued talking.

"You know you can leave your name in history and even win Nobel prize if you come up with new theories that apply to our life, right?"

Everyone was silent and the teacher sighed.

"Do you even know what Nobel prize is?"

We all burst out laughing at that.

"I presume you all only heard of 'Facebook prize'," he clicked his tongue. "Kids these days."

I don't even use Facebook...

"Anyway, on with our topic."


I almost fell asleep during that class. Luckily, I can go home now. I just couldn't wait to wrap myself in my soft, warm futon and turn in early today. I was exhausted.

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