23 - Promise

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My knees buckled and I dropped to the floor.

Jimin kneeled down next to me, holding my back. "I know it's a lot to take in, but you had to learn about it since your situation is dragging on for too long now. We have to stop this. You have to stay away from each other before you make a connection again."

I looked up at him. "We... already did..."

His eyes popped out in shock. "No..."

It was my fault...

He was trying so hard to leave me, but I begged him to come back to me like an idiot...

It's all because of me...

I bit my lips. "If he lets me live my life without coming to me and lets me pass away accordingly, we will break this curse and he can finally rest in peace, right?"

He nodded. "You must live with another man, so that your connection with him can die out along with his life."

I heaved a sigh before looking over the snow globes.

"If these really are my past lives, can I see them to confirm something?"

All the diaries... I had to see if it was real by my own eyes.

He nodded and pulled me up to the shelves. Taking the last globe, he handed it to me.

"Place your hand in the slot below it and close your eyes."

I obliged and did as told, fluttering my eyes closed.

I gasped when I saw hundreds of events happening.

What's more shocking was that Taehyung was in almost every single one of them.

"Why don't you take a nap, Sera? It's a long drive," he told me. That was when he put me into an accident, killing me.

I was sure of it now... All the diaries, the weird dream I had, his employees' words, how he left me so suddenly, and why he always seemed to have a sorrowful gleam in his eyes whenever they held me...

My heart cried.

It cried understanding how much pain he had to go through, how much he wanted to end it all but just couldn't bring himself to do that...

I couldn't imagine how much tears he spilled after having to kill me again and again and again.

I, together with time, must have been breaking his soul little by little for centuries.

My tears were streaming down my face as I had trouble breathing. My coughing fit came back and I tried so hard to stop it.

Jimin rubbed my back, trying to soothe me.

"How will I die this lifetime?"

He swallowed hard before muttering, "Cancer... You have two and a half months to live..."

I gasped in horror.

"You should go to the hospital sooner, Rena."

"B-But that's..."

Before I fell to the ground, Jimin held me up.

This early?

Then I don't have much time...


For nearly a month, I tried visiting my parents and spending time with Taehyung and Evelyn more than before.

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