18 - His heart

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"What happened, sweetheart? Where did that 'You will bite dirt after losing to me' girl go?"

Taehyung cackled in a wicked manner while cycling further away from me.

Damn him. His long legs were definitely an advantage when it comes to riding a bicycle.

"You can't even reach me at this rate, honey," he sang while giggling. His deep voice was anything but adorable... in any other time but this, though.

"Shut up," I huffed out. "It's just that my legs are shorter than yours and not muscular enough to be exercising all of a sudden!"

With a snort, he chimed, "Whatever you say~"

With the intention to slap his head in the back, I poured all my energy into cycling faster than I physically could, leaning my weight onto my front.

I finally caught up with him but that was because I was working like a donkey whereas he was leisurely going by his momentum.

"Why aren't you slapping my head," he asked, looking at me with a soft smile. "Isn't that why you cycled as if it's the end of the world?"

I shook my head bitterly. "Suddenly didn't feel like it..."

He brushed my hair away from my neck, his fingers grazing my skin in the process but I didn't even flinch.

We were now cycling side by side.

A light sigh escaped my lips when I focused on our surroundings.

"Let's just enjoy the moment... I don't want to waste my time holding grudge against you the whole day when we could just watch the sunset in peace."

The view was absolutely breathtaking.

As if golden orange paint was spilling over the blue canvas, the sky was becoming saturated with warmth. It was oozing out, enveloping us in a tender ambience.

The gentle cool breeze that was blowing my face soothed my soul, making me close my eyes to focus on feeling the serenity that was stirring my heart.

A healing time like this was very much needed after a week of trying to balance school and work.

And the main remedy was the man beside me.

Times like this would cloud your judgement and intensify your inner feelings and hidden thoughts, and that was exactly what was happening to me.


He hummed, his gaze lingering on me.

"How much do you love me?"

Even though he was surprised, he didn't show it on his face.

With a giggle, he asked, "Why? Are you suddenly doubting my love for you? Because I'm teasing you like this?"

"Not really... Just wanted to hear it, that's all."

He sighed softly, his gaze now falling on the horizon.

"You may not believe it, but... our love transcends time..."

He was right.

I didn't believe it...

"Even if we die and get reincarnated, I would still search the whole world only to find you. My soul is deep, deep in love with your soul. My love for you keeps me sane... It keeps me going through every passing minute, every torturous second..."

"Just the fleeting image of you appearing in my desolate mind is what holds my crumbling soul together..."

What was this feeling that was taking over me?

Eternally yours | Taehyung fanfiction [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now