C h a p t e r 14

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Maylee Micheals
November 30,2019
12:30 p.m

I sat on the plush grey sofa bouncing my legs up and down. I filled my cheeks with air as I clasped my hands together putting my head down. Zander laid on the opposite sofa knocked out from exhaustion.

Mad wasn't even the word, I was completely frustrated with Austin as a whole. He knew since we were younger how to push my buttons and you would think a grown man would not do that. But not Austin.

He was still as immature as he was 2 years ago. He acted like a child when things didn't go his way and instead of sitting down like a grown man and handling his problems. He liked to walk away and come back at the wee hours in the morning either drunk or high.

I sat on the couch waiting for him to come pick his shit up from the front door. He wasn't stepping anywhere inside of my house because he passed the line entirely. What he did earlier was uncalled for and this was my warning to tell me that I didn't belong in this relationship and needed to get out.

Maybe familiar was better and I was now finding out. This was for the better.

 This was for the better

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A couple hours ago

"You always doing this shit!" Austin slammed his hands on the table.

I watched in horror as he slid the plate across the table causing the crash to fill my ears as I watched as the food scattered along the flood alongside of the glass.

"What am I doing? Huh? Tell me?" I folded my arms across my chest before standing to my feet from the dining room chair.

"You being a hoe is whatca doing. A big ass hoe." He pointed his finger in my face as he walked up to me.

"How am I a hoe? You know what getcha ass out my house." I walked to the door opening it for him to get out.

"No i ain't going no where. You bullshitting. Every time m that dude call you run." He shook his head slamming the door and locking it. He stood in front of it blocking the way.

"I'm a hoe for being a good friend. You don't see me saying anything about those hoes you have." I shook my shoulders before sitting down on the sofa.

"A friend?" He laughed before continuing, "you probably throwing that shit back for that weak ass nigga."

"And if I am?" I questioned. I watched as he turned around with dark eyes causing me to become a little bit scared. The only time I seen those eyes were when Mel did what he did to me in the past.

I watched as he walked fast towards me causing me to jolt to my feet and run into the bathroom near me. I locked the door as quick as possible and sat behind the door clutching my chest.

Tears threatened to fall from my eyes as I tried to control my breathing. My breathing was irregular as memories from the horrific night of my night replayed in my head.

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