C h a p t e r 26

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JuJu Sanders
August 29,2020
2:30 p.m

I walked around the venue completely stressed right now. This was one of the most important fashion shows of my entire career. Different photographers were gonna be here from Vogue to Paper Magazine.

I wanted things perfected and if I wanted things to go the way I wanted I needed to be active in everything going on. From the color scheme on down to the specific outfits each model was wearing.

I focused on the models undertone and which color brought out the best in their skin tone. I figured out what type of clothing looks good on them and which ones we needed to avoid. I been working hard non stop for the past month and I was starting to feel the affect of doing so.

I looked as all my models stood in front of me and each of them looking different than the rest. Their skin was different colors of melanin and each of them were different sizes. I wanted this line to benefit women from a size 0 on down to a size 28.

I wanted all women to have the chance of feeling comfortable in their bodies by showing skin no matter how their bodies was shaped. They didn't need to look like a fashion nova model to feel comfortable in their bodies.

I've been working on this line for a solid year now to make sure everything was the way I wanted. The collection was perfect for the autumn which featured colors such as mustard yellow, burnt orange, crimson, and burgundy.

The soft sound of Doo Wop playing in the background filled my ears as well as the chattering of the women.

"Okay you guys settle down." The chattering had soon died down causing me to clear my throat.

"We had a long stressful couple of months regarding this particular fashion show. I know I worked y'all feet of some nights but it will be all worth it. I'm releasing y'all early to get ready for the show tomorrow." Smiles shown on all the models faces when they heard that as well as some clapping.

"Thank all y'all again for participating and dealing with me because I know I was a headache this whole time." The sound of laughing filled my ears.

"Why y'all still here? Go have fun but not too much fun."

I took slow strides out the building as I spoke to my employees that I seen on my journey to the parking garage. I was excited since Ms. Dawn was making some good ole Louisiana food. Just the thought of her cooking was causing my stomach to growl.

Walking into the families rental house the smell of food hit my nose immediately

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Walking into the families rental house the smell of food hit my nose immediately. A small smile appeared on my face as I walked deeper into the house. It was quieter than usual and the only sound that could be heard is the low playing sounds of blues.

I walked into the kitchen seeing that Ms.Dawn was going between pots mixing and stirring while singing to herself.

"Hey Ms. Dawn." I laughed seeing her jump up from her previous tasks.

"Bitch." She shook her head before picking up the spoon she dropped and placed it into the sink.

"Made me call you out your name for doing some dumb shit. But hi JuJu how is your day going?" I still wasn't use to how she could switch her personalities that quick. One moment she would be cursing me out and the next moment she was the sweetest lady complementing me to the fullest.

"I'm doing good just stressed." She turned around and looked at me before scoffing.

"I can see." She laughed before turning around causing me to look at her confused.

"What you mean by that?" She laughed before wiping her wet hands with the dish towel.

"You don't know do you?" Her right eyebrow lifted as she held the same confusion face as me.

"Know what?" I watched as she rushed out the kitchen telling me to stay where I was. She came back within 2 minutes holding a box in her hands. She reached the box out to me and when I read the label I felt as if I was finna pass out.

"I'm not pregnant." I laughed trying to hand it back but she refused.

"If you're not pregnant than you wouldn't have a problem taking 3 of em." I rolled my eyes internally before grabbing the box holding the pregnancy test. She handed me a plastic cup as I stood to my feet.

I stood in the bathroom sitting on the toilet seat waiting for the timer on my phone to ring. I wasn't scared at all because I knew I wasn't pregnant, I was just stressed out from the fashion show. I was taken out of my thoughts by the aggravating ringer on my phone. I turned it off before looking down at the pregnancy test. My eyes scanned each one as I felt like I was finna pass out.

Positive +

Positive +

Positive + between 10-12 weeks

I sat in the bathroom pacing back and forward trying to figure out how this happened. The last time that I had sex was 2 months ago with Zander's brother after a drunken night. I quickly grabbed my phone and unlocking it going straight to my calendar. I counted the weeks up until I reached the date we had sex. Approximately 11 weeks ago.

The sound of the front door opening and the sound of multiple voice talking caused me to immediately place the caps on the pregnancy test and placed them into my hoodie pocket. I washed my hands before exiting the bathroom.

"Hey loves." I was immediately greeted by Maylee that was walking down the hallway.

"Hey May baby." I hugged her before she stepped back with a furrowed eyebrow.

"You okay?" I nodded causing her to side eye me before grabbing my hand walking into the living.

"JuJu you might not remember but these are Zander's brothers Ace and Kam." I froze in my spot looking up at him again. I didn't expect to see him this soon especially not right now. I felt Maylee bump into me causing me to snap out my day dream.

"Nice seeing y'all again." I waved before grabbing Ms. Dawn's hand and walked upstairs into her room.

"Chile what the hell wrong with?" She rolled her neck while placing her hands on her hips.

"This." I took all three of the pregnancy tests handing them to her. I watched as she observed each of them carefully.

"Congratulations!" She smiled before handing them back to me. "Who's the daddy?"

"Zander's brother Ace." She laughed before stepping close to me.

"Least you gotta looker baby girl. Good luck on telling him though." She walked out leaving me alone to collect my thoughts. I figured it was best to tell him tonight since I don't know when I'll see him again.

I took a few breathes and practiced what I could say in my head. I finally grew the courage to say something. I walked downstairs to see everybody outside soaking in the warm weather before it started raining. I walked deeper into the kitchen seeing him in the fridge grabbing a water.

"Hey Ace." My voice was low causing him to turn around with furrowed eyebrows before his face softened and a smile replaced the confusion face.

"Hey JuJu." He pulled me into a hug. He smelled the same as he did a couple months ago. I took a deep sniff before he let me go while laughing.

"Did you just smell me?" He laughed causing my cheeks to heat up.

"I'm sorry you just smelled good." I played with my fingers.

"What's up with you?" I took a deep breathe knowing it was time to tell him.

"I'm pregnant." I reached into my pocked handing him the pregnancy tests.

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