C h a p t e r 18

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JuJu Sanders
December 11,2019
8:30 p.m

I sat down on the bench in front of the lake. This has been my happy place since the shooting happened.

Whenever I felt as if I wanted to quit or just break down. I always came here because it was my happy place. The view of the lake shining from the moonlight, the sounds of the crickets, and the fishing jumping out of water.

I looked at the lake feeling my emotions rush to me all at once. All I felt was hurt and anger. What was suppose to be a happy day filled with celebration quickly turned for the worst.

A hand touching my shoulder caused me jump up and turn around quickly. Looking up and down at the man. I subconsciously bit my lip analyzing his figure.

He stood at 6" and held a complexion that was similar to Honey. His face was smooth with a few blemishes here and there. He held a large smile displaying the gold grills on his lower teeth. His retwisted dreads were placed into a bun.

"Its just me." He held his hands up surrendering. My face held a look on confusion because I really didn't know who he was.

"You are?" I took small steps backwards because you could never be too careful.

"I'm Ace. Zander's older brother." He held his hands out causing me to grasp it.

"JuJu." I sat back down on the bench looking ahead at the lake.

I kicked my legs back and forward ignoring the feeling of him staring at the side of my face.

"Can I sit here?" He asked nodded towards the seat.

"Yeah." He sat down beside me and we sat in silence for a moment.

"How are you holding up?" He looked towards me with an arched eyebrows.

"What you mean?" I never really confessed my feelings to strangers but Mahogany always told me it was better than talking to a friend.

"What happened back at the house with Bri. I can't imagine the anger going through your body right now." I looked towards him before hanging my head low and shaking it.

"I'm furious knowing what she did to me. I thought she was in love with me and felt the same emotions I felt. Knowing she would try to kill me in an instant to have me leave her alone is heartbreaking." I took a deep breathe feeling tears cloud my vision.

"I promise it'll get better. Knowing that she's in a full blown relationship and pregnant is heartbreaking. But I'll promise they're gonna her what they deserve." I wiped my tears before looking up at him.

"How do you know? How am I supposed to believe that it'll get easier?" He rubbed his hand over his face before looking at me.

"You want the truth?" I nodded causing him to take a deep breathe.

"My ex-fiancé made me believe that I was the love of her life. She told me she was pregnant and I swear that was the happiest moments of my life. I was ready to marry her. I spent money on her and the baby just to find out while she was in delivery that it wasn't my baby. Actually my best friend child." I seen a few tears fall down his face before he turned his head quickly to wipe them.

"You never let your emotions out about the feelings. Have you? You've been carrying this on your shoulders and never really told anybody how you felt. You kept it bottled up inside and it's holding you back inside." He looked at me with an eyebrow raised.

"How ya know?" He gave me his undivided attention.

"Spent so much time around Mahogany. Kinda just developed the trait." He laughed causing me to look at him. This whole time I haven't seen him laugh once.

"Can I get a hug?" He licked his lips as he eyed me up and down. I smiled and nodded opening my arms to hug him.

Holding on to him, I just didn't want to let go. My hands traveled up his spine, feeling every crevice of his toned back. It was so smooth but so muscular.

Pulling slightly away, I didn't want to over step, forcing him into something he didn't want. But the moment the moonlight hit his deep brown eyes, I knew we both were on the same page.

We both were hurting and needed temporary solace in one another. Pulling me back in closer his soft lips met mine. Our tongues becoming entangled with each other.

"We don't.."

"Shhh" I silenced him by pressing my lips deeper unto his. I wanted this, I needed this and so did he.

Pulling away slightly, I pulled my shirt over my head exposed my bare chest. My breast bounced to life once they were freed. His eyes full of lust roamed over them before he gathered one up and stuff it into his mouth.

My head fell back in pleasure, as his tongue danced around my nipple applying just the right away of pressure. I could feel the wetness between my legs growing with each circle of his tongue.

Coming up for air, our lips reconnected. The intense kiss was throwing me over the edge. Fidgeting with the button on his jeans, I just could not get it open due to my long nails.

"Fuck" I groaned at my failed attempt to free the missing party.

"I got it." We both chuckled as he undid his pants. Standing up, he pushed them down over his buff legs, revealing his large print.

My eyes grew at the site of it. Truth be told I hadn't been with a man in quite some time. I wasn't a virgin to the penis but I definitely had forgotten how great the thing could be.

"You ok?" He asked catching my reaction.

Nodding, I pulled him down on me reconnecting our lips, "just fuck me please" I breathe against his lips.

Without question, he freed his member running it up against my now exposed click. "Damn JuJu" He panted at the warmth between my legs.

Without warning, he inserted the tip into my warm canal causing me to arch my back. "Ummmm" I moaned out in pleasure.

With each stroke he inserted another inch, until he was all 8 inches deep into my womanhood. "Umm...fuck."

My stiletto nails stretched across his back, trying desperately to keep him inside me. It didn't matter that we were out in the open in a public area. All that matter was each and every stroke he dished upon me.

"Oh..my...god" I screamed out unable to control the impending orgasm that was ready to explode.

"Umm. Shit girl." He moaned out. Hearing his moan we the crack the broke the flood gates.

"Ummm. I'm bout to.....uggghhhh." I could feel my wetness leak out everywhere as my body released so many built up emotions.

"Fuck" he whispered, loosing it in my wetness. Releasing his own build up, he collapsed on top of me. Both our bodies sticky with sweat.

"Fuck" he let out again releasing what he'd just done. The look of worry on his face only caused me to laugh a bit. "What's so funny" he questioned with furrowed brows.

"You." My giggles grew. I didn't mean to laugh but the look on his face was priceless.

"Huh? I'm confused. You don't realize what I just did."

"It's ok I can't have kids."

My face dropped, once I realized he didn't find that funny at all. "I'm sorry. Birth control."

"It's all good. We should get going before we get arrested for indecent exposure." I nodded in agreement. We both stood to put back on our clothes and adjusting ourselves before walking back to our vehicles.

Thank you wsmith35 for helping me write this chapter.

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