C h a p t e r 24

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JuJu Sanders
January 12,2020
9:00 a.m

I stood impatiently by the staircase waiting on Zander to inform me that Maylee was doing okay. I was extremely nervous to lay the rest of the information on her figuring it would be a lot take in.

I looked aimlessly around the house waiting for them to come back down. Heavy footsteps down the stairs showcased Zander walking down with his usual mug plastered on his face.

"How is she?" I questioned watching him walk pass me towards the kitchen. I soon followed suit walking behind him slowly.

"She's good. I asked if she wanted the rest of the information and she insisted that she hears it today. I can't stop her. So we might as well tell her and get the family here."

"I think we should break it down slowly but surely to her and once she gets adjusted to the news we could bring the family to meet her." He nodded fixing her ice water.

"I think that's the best bet for right now." He walked back upstairs leaving me alone once again.

I quickly dialed Delilah's number placing the cold phone towards my ear. I listened to the phone ring until she finally picked up on the third ring.

"Hello?" Her smooth voice sounded through my ears.

"Hey Mrs. Delilah...I was calling to inform you that we still have yet to tell her the news. We don't know how she'll take it since it's a lot. I'll call to inform you about any meeting plans."

"Okay. Thank you JuJu for making this all happen. I still have to thank Zander but y'all brought my baby back in my life. I know she might not want anything to do with me but knowing that she's alive and healthy is all I want." I felt my eyes tear up for a little. The sincerity in her voice made my heart warm all over,

"I would do it all over again Mrs. Delilah." I looked up hearing the chattering between two people. "I'll call you later."

"Okay Honey." She hung up the phone when Maylee and Zander walked back into the living room.

"Are you okay baby girl." I rushed towards Maylee hugging her tightly.

"I'm good Ju. It was just unexpected. I think that i'm able to handle the rest a little bit better. I still have questions about my kids though."

"I understand. But are you completely ready for the truth to be unfolded in front of your very eyes." I wanted to make sure she was a 100 percent positive that she was ready to hear the truth. I didn't need her passing out on us from shock.

"I'm ready"

Maylee Micheals

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Maylee Micheals

I sat on the couch on side of Zander

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I sat on the couch on side of Zander. He immediately grabbed my hands rubbing his thumb back and forth against my hand.

"Okay where do we start." JuJu let out a huge sign before taking a deep breathe.

"Just start from the beginning. It'll make more sense for her." Zander responded to her causing her to nod her head in agreement.

"A couple days after the dinner gone wrong at Mama Hollands house he invited me over to his house to discuss the information we both just learned. We knew his name and also where his foster care was located. We made a few calls and we ended up talking to someone named Ms. Dawn." I nodded following where she was going.

"We decided to take a trip the next day but tell you different things so you wouldn't become suspicious. We wanted to surprise you with Zaire . But, we soon bit of more than we could chew when we stepped foot in Ms. Dawn's house."

I laid my head onto Zander's chest as he rubbed my back up and down to relax me. I'm guessing this isn't even the worse of the news and he wanted to make sure that I was okay before she continued.

" We soon found out that Zaire wasn't adopted because they didn't wanna split him and his sister up which is named Zara. She showed us to their conjoined rooms and when I seen them Maylee. There was no denying that they weren't your children. The smiles on their face showed it all. I mentioned to her that they looked identical to you which caused her to ask for a picture."

I turned my head into Zander's chest feeling the tears start to flow out. Hearing that I had 2 kids was overwhelming earlier but hearing the whole story just made me more emotional. I tried to calm myself down a little bit knowing that they still had more to tell me.

Zander picked my head up a little rubbing the tears the fell. He placed a kiss on my forehead as he rubbed my back up and down.

"You sure you wanna continue baby. We could take a break and tell you another day." I shook my head before wiping the remaining tears.

"I'm sure. I'm okay baby." He nodded before letting me sit up again.

"I decided to show her a picture and she pointed out that you looked like her daughter. Which was true. The milk chocolate skin tone, the low almond eyes, and the high cheek bones. She also mentioned her daughter name was Maylee also. Y'all was damn nears identical. She called her daughter and son in law over and she told us the story about what happened during the end of her pregnancy."

I sat back up straight curious on where JuJu was going with this story.

"What happened?" I questioned causing JuJu to shake her head.

"She was pregnant with twins. Her boyfriend had this woman that was madly in love with him and he didn't feel the same. She attacked Delilah one night which resulted in her daughter being caught cut out of her stomach. The woman sewed her back up taking her daughter and fleeing leaving the woman and her son there for dead."

"Damn." I shook my head because that was the only thing that I was able to let come out my mouth.

"Maylee. She's your mother. We had a DNA test taken when we had the DNA test taken also. We found out Delilah and Wynter is your parents and you have a twin brother name Julian. We really can't explain everything but we feel it would be better for them to explain it you."

My heart was pounding rapidly in my chest. I wasn't ready to be told this information. What I thought was going on really wasn't the case. Finding out my whole life was a lie and the only way to know the full truth was by talking to them.

"I wanna meet them."

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