C h a p t e r 20

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Zander Holland
January 5,2020
2:30 p.m.

"Detective JuJu is here to solve the problem." I raised my eyebrow watching JuJu storm through my front door yelling.

"Girl if you don't stop. My daughter is sleeping." I shushed her before grabbing a notebook and pencil.

"My bad brother in law." I mugged her before sitting down at the bar.

"We ain't even close to that stage yet. I haven't officially asked her to be my girlfriend yet." She looked at me wide eyed with her mouth wide.

"For real?" She cocker her head to the side.

"Uhh yeah." I replied sarcastically causing her to smack her lips.

"It's just that y'all so close, I expected y'all to be together by now."

"Fair enough." I shrugged before clearing my throat. I had a specific reason why I wanted JuJu hear.

"I actually called you over here for a reason." She cocked her head to the side while lifting her eyebrow in confusion.

"Go ahead I'm listening." I cleared my throat again being a nervous habit that I had.

"I wanna help get Maylee her son back." I looked over at JuJu that held a wide smile on her face.

"If we can pull this off. She needs to throw that neck for real." She laughed causing me to shake my head and chuckle to myself.

"But for real this shit crazy. This some lifetime shit." I rubbed my hands over my face letting out a huge sigh.

"It really is. What do we know already?" She grabbed the pen and paper I left out for her jotting some things down.

"His name is Zaire King Micheals and he's in an orphanage in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. And he should be 4 years old. That's it." I threw the pencil down feeling defensive.

"Why are you getting upset? You have enough information to call and sees if he's still there or got adopted."

"Shit when you tryna do it." She quickly reached for her phone going straight to the calling app.

"Right now. I'll go in the living room to not disturb you. We could tackle these numbers in an hour or so."

"Bet." I grabbed my phone dialing the first number I seen.
. . . . . . .

I was completely defeated after calling 15 numbers for orphanages around Louisiana and they were all a dead end. This was the last number and me and JuJu we're losing hope.

"Hello?" A soft, raspy voice spoke through the phone.

"Hello, My name is Zander Hollands and I'm calling about information on a child. That might be there."

It was silent for a minute before the voice continued.

"Are you planning on adopting this child?"

"Yes ma'am."

"What is the child's name?" I took a deep breathe before saying the name.

"Zaire Micheals?" It was pause before she came back into the phone.

"Yes little Zaire. He's been here since he one month old. He has had trouble getting adopted because of his attitude. For a 4 year old his attitude is really upsetting." I nodded writing down all the information she was giving me.

"Is there anyway we could come and visit him?" I questioned hoping the answer would be sometime this week.

"Yeah, you could see him tomorrow or the day after. Those are our visiting days to come and see the children."

"We'll come tomorrow."

"You sure she won't become to suspicious?" I questioned JuJu as we rolled our luggage out of the airport

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"You sure she won't become to suspicious?" I questioned JuJu as we rolled our luggage out of the airport.

"I told her I had a business trip to Los Angeles and you said you was visiting your grandma back in New York. So probably no." She shrugged her shoulder as she drunk the lemonade she had just gotten from Chick Fil A.

"Are we going to the hotel or to the orphanage first?" She questioned as we walked around the parking lot searching for the rental car.

"The orphanage. It's 10 right now and we can't check into our rooms until 3."

Getting aggravated I pressed the alarm button following the sound to reach our rental car. Placing both of our luggages in the trunk. I immediately jumped into the car turning the air condition.

Nothing could prepare me for the heat that I was experiencing right now. The humidity seemed to make the heat worse and I was sweating from just standing in the sun.

"Whew Chile. I could've stayed at home if I knew the heat here was going to be this bad."

"Shut ya complaining ass up." I glared at her we I pulled away from the airport.

"Ain't nobody told ya struggling ass patchy ass beard ass to say some shit to me." She shot back at me causing me to glare at her. My beard wasn't struggling it just needed a little help.

"You need to fix your fucked up ass edges. Them bitches disappearing. Matter fact lemme find a beauty supply store so I could get you some wild growth." She huffed folding her hands into her chest.

"I gotcha ass this time." I laughed to myself turning up the radio.

. . . . . . . .

"You sure this the place Zander." She looked out the window while scrunched her face looking around the neighborhood.

"This the same address the woman gave me yesterday." I looked at the piece of paper trying to figure out if it was the same address.

"Lemme grab my knife Incase someone wanna lose their life today." I scrunched my face watching her place the knife in her purse.

"How ya get that pass TSA?" She laughed while applying lipgloss.

"Baby boy it's shaped like lipgloss. So who'll question it. You ready." I nodded as we both got out the car.

"I hope my nephew ain't in here. Cause whew Chile the ghetto." She looked around as we headed towards the front door.

Knocking on the door, we stood there for a few moments before an older woman opened the door. Wrinkled appeared on her chocolate skin also along with some pimples.

"You must be Zander." She smiled at me before looking over at JuJu, "and you must be his wife." She scrunched her face pushing me away from her.

"Hell no." She shook her head rapidly. I glared at her warning her to shut up.

"Come in. I was wondering when someone was gonna adopt these two." I looked over at JuJu in confusion.

"Two?" She looked at the woman as if she was crazy.

"Yes silly. Their twins."

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