C h a p t e r 10

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Bri Holland
November 1, 2019
5:30 p.m

Who would've known that little JuJu Holland from Brooklyn would be doing this much with her life. I felt the same as my brother, since I knew school wasn't for me leading me to be stuck on what I wanted to do with my life.

Owning my own hair care line called 'Hair needs love too' made me happy, but I wasn't all the way happy in life. With my ex boyfriend he was everything that any girl could want. He was kind, a gentlemen, and extremely affectionate. But, it felt like I was missing something more.

I was in love don't get me wrong, but something was missing and I couldn't put my tongue on it. That was until I met JuJu. She was amazing and I started feeling something more than a friendship with her. It felt as just being around her fulfilled the emptiness inside of me that not even my loving boyfriend could even fulfill.

At that moment I realized that not only I wasn't in love with my then boyfriend Don. But, that I was falling for JuJu. JuJu brought out the best of me and I am extremely happy that I could call her mine.

I was able to love on her and give her all my love and affection. She was really my baby and I wouldn't change her for nothing. She showed me that there was more to life than what I was experiencing.

Today was the day that both me and JuJu were off from work and able to spend the day together

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Today was the day that both me and JuJu were off from work and able to spend the day together. We woke up and made breakfast together and spent the morning and afternoon in bed watching Netflix, and some grown folks stuff.

"Damn baby ya ass poking in that jumpsuit." I bit my lip smacking her ass and shaking it a little in my hand.

"Stop." She laughed trying to pry my hands away from her. I wrapped my arms around her placing kisses all around her face causing her to let out a squeal.

"You always play to much, but come on we gotta get to our spot." This evening JuJu planned a surprise date for me and wouldn't even give me a hint to what it was.

"Baby, I need you to put this on now." She handed me a blindfold causing me to lift an eyebrow in confusion. I didn't wanna mess up my lash extensions but I'll do anything for my baby. I placed the blindfold on before waiting on her instructions.

She grabbed my hand guiding me to the destinations to make sure I didn't run into anything. It felt like we was walking forever until she finally stopped.

"Take your blindfold off baby." I pulled the blindfold off making sure I didn't mess up my lash extensions. Looking around I felt my eyes watering looking around. She had set up a little picnic in the park. There was the view of the small pond in front of us. Looking up at her I seen the big hopeful smile on her face.

"You like?" She asked causing me to nod my head.

"I love it baby, happy 1 1/2 year anniversary baby." I wrapped my arm around her placing a kiss on her lip.

I tried to pull back but she placed her hand around my throat pulling me back. She looked me in my eyes causing me to lean my head back a little moaning a little. She had me feeling some type of way and she knew too by the smile laced on her face. She pulled me into her lips causing us to fall into a slow passionate kiss. Pulling back a small trial of spit followed my lips causing me to wipe it.

"Whew it's getting hot out here." I fanned myself with my hand causing her to laugh.

"Look baby I got all your favorites. I have little flatbread sandwiches, I have strawberry lemonade, and a fruit salad." She smiled sitting down on the blanket.

"So I feel like it's time that we let each other meet the important people in each of our lives." I spoke taking a bite of the mango.

"I'm ready baby, I feel like this is the most important thing we need to do. For us to keep going." She nodded sipping her lemonade.

"Where do you see us in 5 years?" She asked.

"I see us in our own house, married, and in the process of adopting a baby." I smiled thinking about what the future had in store for us. It was no secret that I seen me and JuJu being together for the long run.

We sat at the picnic area until it got dark out. It felt good to have a day to ourselves where didn't have to worry about work, just sit and embrace being together and spending time together. We decided to take a walk on the boardwalk before we wrap our date up.

Walking hand in hand JuJu placed a kiss on my lips as we stopped to look at the boat passing on the river. She wrapped her arms around my waist as we swayed back and forward just enjoying the silence.

"You faggots don't belong here." This deep voice spoke causing us to jump back and look around.

Turning around I noticed this group of older men standing there with the look of disgust on their faces. I grabbed JuJu hands walking the opposite direction of them, so we could make it back to the car.

I cursed myself out for not having some sort of protection on me today. I heard the footsteps behind us causing my adrenaline to rise and walk faster holding on top of JuJu hands. My heart was beating out of my chest and it felt as if we couldn't get to the car fast enough.

"Hey bitch you heard me talking to you," He grabbed my shoulder pulling me towards him. I balled my fist up swinging to his face trying to get him to let me go.

"Oh look boys these bitches are tough." He laughed wiping the blood from his nose. I was completely scared but I wasn't finna let them know that.

JuJu grabbed my hand tightly taking off her heels. Either if we had to run or fight. I felt a slap across my face and the stinging sensation across my cheek. I didn't know I was bleeding until I tasted the metallic taste in my mouth.

I watched as JuJu threw her heel at the man hitting him directly in the eye. She grabbed my hand taking of running before the men could do anything to them.

"Stupid hoe." I heard him yell before my life flashed before our eyes. I heard the shot of a gun ring through my ear. I felt JuJu drop the ground and I let out an ear piercing scream. I turned around seeing the men run in the opposite direction.

I dropped to the ground placing my jacket on her wound pressing down on it, while scrambling through my fanny pack looking for my phone. Dialing 911 I made sure to keep pressure on her wound.

"911 what is your emergency?"

"My girlfriend was just shot on Diamond boardwalk!" I cried hysterically in the phone. Never would I have thought i'll be in the center of a hate crime like this.

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