C h a p t e r 17

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Zander Holland
December 11,2019
7:00 p.m

The tension in the room was so thick, that a knife wouldn't be able to cut through it. I looked around the room slowly seeing my mama furious in her seat.

Her eyes were glaring at Bri and the man with her. I shook my head seeing the stomach on her. I was upset and confused with her because she honestly was losing her damn mind.

"Bri what the hell going on with you!" My mama yelled at her furiously while rushing toward her. My father Kendrick quickly got up grabbing her before she reached Bri.

"Mama please calm down. It's not serious I'll explain everything." Bri surrendered with her hands up. My mama looked her up and down while frowning her face up.

"Kar Kar you wanna come and watch a movie with us upstairs?" Ace asked trying to get her out this situation.

"But my food." She poured causing Kam to back him up.

"We could bring our food with us. What you want?" Kam stood up picking Karter up going into the kitchen to fix their food.

"Why you hiding behind her lil nigga? My father Kendrick asked while mugging him.

I turned my face up checking him up and down. Something was telling me I knew him from somewhere but I didn't know exactly where.

"I'm sorry sir. I'm Mel." He put his hand out causing Kendrick to look at it and frown his face. Mel nervously put his hand on his side rubbing it against his pants.

"You need to go. I have guests coming tonight." My mother spoke but the doorbell cut her off.

Kendrick opened the door revealing two silhouettes. Stepping into the house revealed Mahogany and JuJu.

"Come on Karter we gotta go." Kam picked her plate up whole Ace scooped her up in his arms rushing up the stairs.

I watched as both JuJu and Maylee held smiles on their faces which quickly disappeared when Mel and Bri turned around.

I watched as both JuJu and Maylee  held smiles on their faces which quickly disappeared when Mel and Bri turned around

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Maylee Micheals

I froze in my spot seeing the man that ruined my life. I wanted to run away, far away but I couldn't move. My body wouldn't let me.

There standing in front of me was Bri and Mel. Memories of what happened between me and Mel came flooding back causing my heart to start beating.

"Damn May you looking better than ever." He licked his lips while looking at me up and down.

"Chill out!" Bri yelled at him while smacking his head.

I looked over at JuJu and see different emotions shown on her face. She looked hurt and angry. I watched as she shook her head before rushing out the door.

I turned to go with her but a hand stopped me. I looked up seeing Ace smiling down at me with a grill in his mouth.

"I got her." I nodded watching him go behind her making sure she straight and didn't do anything drastic.

I turned back around facing the demon that constantly held me back. My breathing grew rapidly and it seemed like I couldn't calm myself down.

"Baby you good?" Zander came beside me rubbing my back up and down.

"I gotta get out of here." I turned around causing Zander to stop me.

He looked me deeply in my eyes bringing me into his chest. He rubbed my back up and down calming me down instantly.

"Why? You know what come on." Zander reached for his keys hanging on the hook. He placed his hands on the doorknob but instantly stopped from the voice of Mel.

"Damn you gotta leave so fast because of the guilt eating you up." I turned around furious seeing him with a smirk on his face.

I looked around the room and noticed Mama, Kendrick, Zander, and Bri looking at us confused on what was going on.

"Baby what you talking about?" She asked while rubbing his arm up and down.

"Tell them Maylee. Tell them how you killed our son." I balled my fist tight feeling the anger rise through my body. He had no right talking about my son.

"Wait you're the hell of an ex. The one that killed y'all baby on purpose. You are one spiteful bitch. Trifling ass hoe." I tried to calm my self down but it wasn't working. The harder I trying the more she was talking.

"Baby you should've never got her pregnant. She didn't even deserve her son." That was it. That was the final straw for me. I felt like I went into overdrive.

"The only thing trifling things is you. Setting up a shooting to get out of a relationship." She looked at me surprised making me continue, "I know all about the little set up. You have the nerve to speak on a person that you barely know thinking you all big and bad. I owe you an ass whooping right now, but I respect your mother and father's home."

"Yo-" I cut her off before continuing.

"You have no right talking about my son. You don't know shit about what happened. Your so called angel of a boyfriend literally beat my 8 month baby out of my stomach. How you think it felt waking up in the hospital finding out you gave birth to a still born. Knowing it was my fault for not leaving. I hope both of you rot in hell. Y'all will reek what y'all sought." I had tears streaming down my eyes as Zander grabbed my hand walking out.

"He's alive." I stopped from walking out. I turned around confused on what he was saying.

"What?" I my voice was trembling.

"He's in an orphanage in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. His name is Zaire King Micheals."

I stood there in shock not knowing how to process the information being told to me. Zander pulled me into a hug while drama and mess surrounded us.

The police walked into the house arresting Mel for violating his probation. Bri was upset yelling and crying.

Zander went upstairs grabbing Karter. He came downstairs grabbing my hand bringing us to the car.

I couldn't wrap my head around what was being said. My son was still alive.

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