i remember spending
an entire two weeks
just laying in my bed,
missing endless days of school
just because i didn't want to
show my face to the world.
i was so embarrassed
because of what happened,
and i didn't want anyone
to see me.
the only reason i ever left my bed
was to shower or go get some
psychological tests run
to see how i was feeling
simply because my mother
was worried for my mental health.
i didn't eat, all i did
was sleep and cry
for two weeks straight
as the evil and two-faced people
talked and talked about
how much of a failure i was.
and i know i shouldn't care about
what everyone thought of me,
but at that moment in my life,
how people saw me
really affected me.
i could be so much more confident
in myself if i didn't do all of this.
if i wasn't so depressed and upset
about the mistakes i had made.
everything could be so different
and i could be a happier person.