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Nico woke up handcuffed to a chair, lights blinding him. When he was able to fully open his eyes he realized he was in some sort of warehouse judging by the stench that was around him.

That was when Red Hood decided to make his presence known by stepping out of the shadows. His left fist was clenched around something as he approached him from behind. Red Hood then slammed the small pouch of white powder, unicorn powder, in front of Nico, hoping to scare him.

Strangely, it didn't work. Who is this kid? He thought. He can't be no more than fifteen.

"Why the hell do you have this on you?" Red asked with his gravelly voice. Nico just stared with his expressionless face. Red couldn't even tell if this kid was breathing.

"I don't know what you're talking about," he finally answered.

"Then let me ask you something that you should know about. Who the fuck are you?" He asked, his eyes narrowing.

"Name's have power," Nico said.

"Alright then. If you won't tell me who the hell you are then you could try to enlighten me on how you ended up in that part of the city," Red stated.
Nico's eyes widened "Wait, we're still in Gotham?" Red Hood nodded as Nico gave a frustrated groan.

"Look, I just took a wrong turn and I accidentally ended up here, ok?" Red Hood gave him a skeptical look.

"What do you mean wrong turn and nobody comes here on accident," He glared at Nico.

"I don't have to tell you anything so why-" Nico was interrupted by a ding.

Red Hood smirked as he pulled the chair, that Nico was sitting in, across the room toward some device.

"Well, Nico di Angelo, nice to meet you," He saw his picture. His picture was shown on a screen of when he was just a baby being held in his mother's arms with Bianca reaching for him.

Nico's mouth hung open, trying to form words but nothing came out. They have my records. Nico thought. He gulped.

"Before I start digging around through all of this info myself, I'm going to give you one more chance to tell me who you are, or rather what," He smirked.

"I don't know what you're talking about. What you you mean by what?"

"Oh I think you know what I mean. Besides, your eyes wouldn't have bugged out when I showed you this picture. So tell me, di Angelo, how the fuck did you stop aging?"

"Just let me go you can't do this! Who the fuck do you think you are!?" Nico really didn't know who he was. But he knew that he shouldn't be alive. He would try shadow traveling out but every time he called for the shadows he started to get dizzy.

"I'm the Red Hood," He said firmly, curiosity tugging at the back of his head.

"Yeah? Red Hood, why don't you tell me why the hell you're still alive! You are supposed to be dead, and I know when I'm talking to someone who died," Nico said calmly with confidence.

The next second there was a gun at his head.

"What? Are you going to shoot me? Do you really think that will scare me? I'm not scared to die because I know where I'll be when I do leave," he stated.

"Wish you were dead, huh? You got a damn death wish or something kid?"

"No. I don't want to die. There's a difference between wanting to die and not being afraid of death," he said as he slowly stood up. Fortunately he was able to get loose through the ropes when Red dragged him across the room.

"I'll put the gun down if you tell me how you ended up in Gotham. And don't forget any details,"

Sorry that this is short. I was out of town for a bit to attend a funeral and now I have a lot of make up work to do at school.

Word Count - 676

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