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So I had this chapter just sitting here waiting to be finished so I decided I should. The next few updates are going to be a bit spotty so try not to get you hopes up. Sorry it's short but I hope you guys like. I hope you all have a the bestest day today.

The next few nights were pretty typical stuff. Other than the fact he would have to face the whole batfamily soon, Nico was doing ok. Life was starting to seem... normal. Well, more normal than what he has been through. However, that never seems to last for long.
Later that night Red Hood stood waiting on top of an abandoned building, waiting for the others. Nico was standing off to the side, the shadows hiding him from view.

That was when Batman and a few others, including Nightwing, appeared. Batman just stood there, waiting for an explanation.

"What? You just going to stand there?" Jason asked through his helmet.

"Where is he," Damian stated rather than asked.

"Why do you want to know, demon spawn?"

"Quit playing, Jay. Tell us where he is," Nightwing said.

Red Hood just sighed, giving Nico the cue to shadow travel behind them.

"Pleased to meet you," Nico said in a clear voice.

The reaction was instantaneous. Batman whipped his head around along with Batwoman and Robin as Nightwing nearly screamed and made Red Robin gasp.

What they saw wasn't what they expected. There seemed to be a dark aura around him and shadows bending toward him.

"Who are you," Batman stated.

"Nico di Angelo. Don't try to look it up, you won't find my birth certificate anywhere or any medical records,"

Batman only narrowed his eyes at him.

"How did you get here,"

"Well, you see there is something called a vehicle and-" Nico was then cut off by a laugh.

Everybody turned their heads' toward the shadowed part of the building. The laugh was unrecognizable to everyone, except Nico. He knew who, or rather what, it came from.

"Well well kid. You're doing a good job so far, but since I got word of what you were trying to do I thought maybe I would have some fun. You know, causing mayhem, war." They said as they stepped out.

By then, everyone had a defensive stance.

"Ares." Nico said with venom on his tongue as he walked up to the god of war.

"I'm here to make sure your little plan doesn't work out. Ever since the last war I've been... craving, for something new. You wouldn't believe the reaction I had when I heard you talking to my lovely half sister," Ares said.

Nico then pulled out his sword, ready for a fight.

"Well you won't be able to be a part of this one because there won't be one, not if I'm able to prevent it." Nico said with a voice of authority, confidence radiating off of him.

"Are you being serious, devil's spawn? You couldn't even stop the last one from breaking out what makes you think you can stop this one. Besides, you're still weak from that jump you made and after the last war. You honestly think you can beat me in a battle?"

"Hold on just a moment. Nico, what the h*ll is he talking about!?" Red Hood demanded.

"I will explain everything later, you just have to trust me. And get nearby citizens away,"

Nobody moved. All they did was stare at Nico as if he was crazy.

"I said to leave!" Nico yelled at them.

This got a reaction as most, if not all, of the bats followed his orders. Nico turned back to the God of War.

"I guess I'll take that as a challenge," Ares pulled out his sword," Get ready punk, because there is no way I am letting you walk away from this fight." Right after that statement Ares charged Nico.

Luckily, he was ready and expected that so he just shadow travelled away in a dark corner. Trying to find any weak points in his defensive stance.

"Oh come on! Coward!"

Nico then swung at his right, trying to catch him off guard. His plan quickly back fired as Ares blocked it and pushed him back.

For a few minutes they just stood there, glaring at each other, seeing who would make the first move.

Ares, not having the patience, put his sword in position and went for Nico's right. Nico ducked under the blade and rolled to the side. That was when Ares kicked him, hard. Making him fly off the building and land in a bush down the street.

Nico struggled to get up as he coughed up blood.

The all of a sudden, Ares went to go for a hit when Nico stopped it with his own. Now it was a battle to see who could push who back.

Something caught Nico's eye, a graveyard. Just down the street. If he could make it there, he would be nearly unstoppable.

Nico ducked away from the blade and sprinted as fast as he could. Just as he was a street away Ares grabbed the back of his cloak and pulled him back.

"Nice try, punk. I know what you're doing. Daddy can't protect you now. Maybe I could help you out, make sure you get a permanent vacation to the underworld. After that your secret will get out. How you were a traitor, a good for nothing piece of sh*t that should have died instead of your sister," Ares smirked.

Nico's vision blurred and everything went dark. The streetlights flickered as the shadows grew darker and colder, the ground shook and the pavements cracked as Nico let out a bloodcurdling scream.

Ares took a step back, frightened, but only for a second. Then all hell broke loose.

Skeletons rose from the cemetery, priceless jewels rose from the ground encircling him like a tornado, and civilians that were running in fear fell unconscious. Fear and darkness came off of Nico in waves.

Ares should have kept his mouth shut, but he obviously didn't have the common sense to do so.

"What? Did I hurt the poor baby's feelings?You might as well give up, punk. You're weak and fight like a girl," Ares said.

Nico's glare softened and everything went still, then he remembered the look of determination on Silena's face as she charged towards the Drakon. He remembered Rachel Elizabeth Dare throwing a blue plastic hairbrush at Kronos. Clarisse sparring with five boys twice her size and winning easily. He even remembered the feeling of fear he felt when Persephone glared down at him, and the power that resonated from Hera. He remembered Zoë and her sacrifice, he remembered Thalia Grace and how terrifying and amazing she is. He remembered his sister Hazel building a maze out of the mist and using it to defeat Nike, and the way Reyna charged into battle with a war cry, giving out orders like it was her first language. He even remembered his sister Bianca, and the way she sacrificed herself to save the others. He remembered the story of Piper waking up festus with just her charmspeak and defeating Khione, then Annabeth Chase. The strongest, bravest, the smartest and the most terrifying person he has ever met. He remembered her flawless battle strategies and the dreams of her holding the sky, running away with nothing but the clothes on her back, and going through Tartarus with one of his friends and coming out with her sanity intact.

His glare deepened and everything around him started to move again. He pushed Ares back with his sword and watched him create a hole in the side of a building. Nico walked right up to him and right before he stabbed him only two words were said.

"Thank you."

Word Count - 1316

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