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Next thing Nico knew he was at a small apartment. When he first started to explain how he got to Gotham, he was cautious and nervous. However, when he started to talk, it got easier and easier for to explain. Red Hood even understood him in a strange way.

That's how he ended up here now, in this tiny apartment with clothes and beers strewn all over the place.

"I've got some extra clothes if you need to change. That way you're able to throw those in the wash if you want to," Red Hood said.

"Sure. And thanks, for understanding my... situation," Nico said as he thought of the correct word.

"No problem kid. I've been through enough shit to know what it's like to be left behind," he said as he left to get some clothes.

When he returned Jason threw him a red shirt and some black sweat pants. Since it was just a one bedroom apartment and the only bathroom was in Jason's room, which he was strictly told not to enter, he had to change in the living room while Jason went to the kitchen to get a drink.

Nico just finished putting on his sweatpants and just took off his shirt when Jason entered the living room to collect his clothes.

"What the hell? When did you get tattoos?" Nico suddenly turned and he instantly regret it, now all of his noticeable scars were out in the open. He then quickly pulled his shirt over his head.

"Ok, I don't give a fuck about that tattoo but how the hell did you get those scars?" Jason said with an eyebrow raised.

"Like I said earlier, I've lived in woods and on the streets, both are not kind to a kid," Ok so maybe he bent the truth a bit when he explained how he ended up in Gotham but that's besides the point.

"Some of those looked pretty bad? You ever learn to defend yourself?" Nico nodded his answer.

"Yeah, the hard way. After getting kidnapped and tortured the first time I decided enough was enough and started to train on my own. I traveled across America to learn different styles," It was pretty easy to pick up the Roman style of fighting, especially since there wasn't much of a difference that he could see.

"At least now I won't have to save your sorry ass if you get hurt. But that's besides the point,"

"Then what is the point?"

"Point is I need to get you out of here before batsy tries to either a) put you in the bat computer or b) throws you into belle reve and we don't want either of those things, now do we?" The smile Jason have was not one of innocence but it was mischievous.

Nico have the same smile in return, but his was more unsettling and gave a creepy vibe.

"Before we do get you out of this stupid city I have a question for you?" Nico gave him a go on gesture.

"Have you ever infiltrated a building before?"

Word Count - 518

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