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Hey guys, so the information that I'm using is from Supernatural. If any of it is wrong please tell me right away. I'll fix it as soon as I can. Mainly because I hate how some stories have the wrong info or they don't know how to use it. Other than that, I'm a bit rusty on ghosts because I'm on season nine supernatural and they haven't fought a ghost in a while. Anyways, I hope you all enjoy this chapter.

When the league and Nico showed up to the next place where the spirit would be, nobody was prepared for what happened. They all thought it would be an easy job, yet there was one person who knew all too well how much trouble this spirit could be. 

Nico set his pack down and unzipped it. Inside was salt, gasoline, iron daggers, and shotguns that would shoot rock salt. Let's just hope that the spirit doesn't try to kill them in the process.

"What are all of these things for?" One of the league members asked.

"Weapons, things to keep the bastard soul away as I look for his bones," Nico answered as he grabbed an iron dagger.

"Soul? So you know who's attacking all of these people?" The Flash asked.

"Yeah, Sisyphus has cheated death in the past. Now, it's time to permanently make sure he doesn't have a connection to this world." Nico stated.

"Sissies-who? How do you suppose we break that connection? How did he cheat  death? Isn't that kind of impossible?" Green Lantern, Hal Jordan, asked.

"You break the connection by salting and burning their bones, if not their bones then something that they feel are attached to, like an old flask that they used when they were alive. Now, this is what we are going to do. We will all go off into pairs, make sure to use the dagger if he tries to get close, it won't kill him but it will keep him at bay for a bit. But knowing Sisyphus, he probably has a friend or two that he's made," Nico sounded a bit worried saying the last part.

He could sense another presence in the building. Although, they weren't ghosts, it was something more evil. Rogue.

"If you do see him make sure you let everyone know via comms," Batman said.

"How do we know if it's him?"A league member asked.

"Trust me, you'll know."That was all Nico said before everyone split off into groups.


Everything was going according to plan, but of course nothing goes right if it involves the Justice League, especially with a demigod around. Which just made things a lot more complicated.

At first it started with things moving, like, with no one touching anything. Then it started to try to pick them off one by one.

"Hey! Who did that? Was it you?" Flash blamed Aquaman. 

"Flash, that wasn't me." Aquaman said as he looked around the room, Trident at the ready.

"Well then who-" Flash was cut off by an object being thrown at him, fortunately he was able to dodge it with his speed. "Well that's just great, he's in here with us.

"Who said anything about Sisyphus was the only one here?" Someone said as they entered the room. It was a woman, but the strange thing was that her eyes were black.

"What the heck are you?" Aquaman asked.

"Wouldn't you like to know, fish boy?" The Black-Eyed woman said.

That was when she jerked her hand toward Flash, pinning him to the wall, and in the process it also knocked him out. Aquaman charged, but before that he alerted the others that there was someone else with them.

"That's not a very good idea, water log." The woman did the same thing to Aquaman like she did to the Flash, the difference is that the impact didn't knock him out.

Just as the woman was about to finish him off that was when Nico ran in from behind a shelf.

"Stop!" Nico commanded in Ancient Greek.

The black-eyed demon turned her head toward Nico. "Ah, the Ghost King, how nice of you to join us."

"It's you. Leave her body, now," Nico glared darkly.

"You wouldn't want that, now would you? Besides, I don't work for your Father anymore, so you don't have any power over me-" She was interrupted by Nico reciting verses in Latin.

The demon screamed as black smoke left her body. That was Nico brought out his Stygian Sword out and cut through it, the smoke collecting into the sword.

"What the h*ll was that!" Aquaman yelled.

"It was a demon, and I doubt that she will be the last one we face." That was all he said before he left the room and into the hall, shadow travelling away before Aquaman can ask anymore questions.

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