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A few minutes later Nico and Red Hood arrived at a safe house in the middle of the worst crime ridden part of Gotham. Neither of them spoke on the way there and continued to stay silent when entering.

The sun was going to rise in a few hours and the cool summer air was beginning to warm. Even then Gotham was still busy as ever.

When Nico and Red Hood entered the living room, Red Hood went over to grab a cigarette from his pocket and lit it. Nico just stared at the offending tube, thinking of his own pack that he got.

He then knew why the girls made him smoke his at that moment. It was to make sure that he was calm and focused. That's what the magical smoke did, it calmed his nerves.

"All right. Let's get this show on the road kid. Got any other secrets or languages you have under wraps?" He took another puff of his cig as he sat on the couch.

Nico sat across from him on an armchair.

"Italian, Greek, Latin, French, and Spanish," Nico responded calmly.

"Where the f*ck did you learn all that?"

"Well Italian is my first language and my father taught me Greek. My 'friends' taught me the rest," Nico said.

"No sh*t. I knew English wasn't your first language. I just had trouble placing the accent is all, ragazzo," Jason smirked as Nico just rolled his eyes.
A few nights later and Nico was still living with Jason, seeing as the son of Hades was still 'of use' to him. Nico even went out on 'patrol', but he mainly snuck (#shadowtraveling) into buildings to seek out valuable information or to see if a person, that Red Hood was looking for, was in the area.

However, tonight was quiet, which is a bit weird for Gotham itself.

Suddenly, there was a noise coming from the kitchen, a window opening. Jason and Nico both on there toes, Jason pulled a gun out of his holster since he still had his costume on. The only difference is that he only had a black mask on, instead of his helmet.

Then an all too familiar head popped through the window, it was non other than Nightwing.

"What the h*ll Chicken Wing! What the f*ck are you doing here," Jason demanded.

"I just came on a routine check. Can't have you going on a killing spree again. Oh by the way, since when does the Red Hood have a kid?" Nightwing asked. (Just so you know Nightwing kept auto correcting to Night song, Nightlife, and Nightmare )

"First of all, this is not a routine check. And second, why the h*ll does it matter that I have a kid. And thirdly, stay of my dam business," Jason said as he holstered his gun.

"It is my business when you start-" Nightwing cut himself off when he caught sight of Nico.

"Nightwing, meet Nico di Angelo, Nico this Nightwing," Red Hood said.

"You do realize that I have to take this up to bats. Or he most likely figured you had a kid living with you. Either way meet up with me at the usual. And bring the kid," Nightwing said as he left.

Red Hood just sighed as he crashed on the couch.

"Well, I guess we're going to have to cut this little trip short. Got to get you out of Gotham before batman puts you into the batcomputer. That would be bad. And I find it amusing that you're not in there," Red snorted as he took a cigar out and lit it.

"I highly doubt I would stay in the computer for long anyways," Nico said as he pulled out his own, the one that didn't kill you slowly. It took some time to explain to Red that it was magical and wouldn't hurt him.

"You do realize the batcomputer is the only thing that nobody knows how to f*cking hack, right?"

"Let's just say I have friends in high places, very high places," Nico said as he thought of Athena and Hephaestus arguing about the best way to hack.

Red Hood just shook his head with a smirk.

"You know what, Angel? I think I might keep you?"

Nico just rose an eyebrow, taking another puff of ambrosia.

Word Count - 731

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