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The moment Nico walked in the room he stopped in his tracks to try to turn around. There they were. Hippolyta(sp?) and Artemis. He knew what his sister did was not Percy's fault, but he still blamed her and Zoë for pressuring her into making the decision to join the hunters. Even after all these years, Artemis is still the one that he least tolerate, and she just decided to pay him a visit. Just his luck.

"Move boy," One of the girls pushed him forward, interrupting the conversing goddesses.

"Ah, Nico. It is certainly good to see you," Hyppolita said. Nico just glared. Not saying anything.

"We found him and his associate breaking in," The girl, most likely the one who pushed Nico, spoke.

"Leave us. I want to speak to him alone," Artemis said. As soon as his guards left Artemis gave Hyppolita a look, she then grudgingly strut out the room as well, but not before she glared at him.

"Come here di Angelo. I am about to tell you something that should never be repeated to anyone,"

"I swear on the river styx that I will not repeat to anyone what you are about to tell me unless I'm told otherwise," Thunder was then heard in the distance, sealing the deal.

"Good. Recently I've heard that you are staying with a certain Red Hood? Well, apparently there is another war coming. A war that would involve certain demigods and the Justice league. This is a very delicate matter and one wrong move could start a Civil War between the League and demigods. I need you to get in closer, to find out how they operate and figure out how much they know about our world. Be careful, and whatever you do, do not let them find out your true identity," After she said that he was furious.

He just stopped another civil war from breaking out between the Romans and the Greeks, and now they want him to make sure that another war doesn't break out between two potential allies again.

"I'm guessing I don't have a choice," Nico stated, rather than asked.

"Don't test me boy. You're lucky I haven't smited you yet for the amount of times you have cursed me," Artemis spoke.

Nico only continued to glare.

"Anything else that I should know?" Nico asked.

"Don't mess this up, boy. You may have stopped one civil war from breaking out but that does not mean that it can't happen again. We are all counting on you to do this. The council can't stress enough how delicate and complex this is. One wrong step and everything that you, we have worked for is lost. War will break out and I guess that I don't have to tell you who will win. There's a reason we never affiliated in their... problems."

"What I don't understand is why can't someone else do it! I don't want to be a part of another war! I just got out of one myself. Now I'm being sucked into another one!?"

"We didn't want you, devil's spawn! We wanted a level headed demigod with experience! But since you decided to help out that other male, we have no other choice. We can't allow anybody else to know what is going on!"

"Then who? Who were you going to choose? Because you can wipe my mind, I don't care! I don't want to be a part of it!"

"Don't raise your voice at me, male. We wanted her."

"You don't mean..."

"Yes, we do. But you had to ruin it all."

Nico sighed. Not wanting to argue with the goddess anymore. He just nodded his head, accepting the 'request'.

"Good, more information will be given to you later on throughout your 'quest'. Don't mess this up," With that, she walked over to open the door only to have the guards take him and throw him out on the sidewalk.

A few minutes later there was yelling and another body landed next to him. Red Hood.

"What the h*ll man!?" Red Hood yelled at him.

"This better not be a f*cking trap to get you in my head!" He yelled again, this time picking Nico up by his collar.

"It's not. I promise," Nico said in a calming voice while he raised his hands and a surrender.

"It better not be, because if I find out you're hiding something from me, you'll wish that I shot you in the dam head earlier," Red said as he set him down.

"Let's go. We need to head back and figure out what the h*ll we're going to do,"

At that Red Hood and Nico went speeding off into the dark. Going to a different safe house.

Word Count - 799

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