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Well, this should be interesting. Nico di Angelo, trying to sneak into a warehouse without getting noticed, at night. Unfortunately, it doesn't work out that way.

Let's take it back a few hours and see how it happened.
"Yeah, kind of. I mean, I snuck into an enemy camp before," Nico thought back when he brought dream Percy to where he was in the second titan war.

"Good, because I need your help on this next mission. Tell me, do you have any special abilities or talents I should know about?" He asked as he took a sip out of his beer.

"I'm good at hiding in the shadows. I can also fight with a sword and knives. I'm not that good at a bow and arrow though," he's decent at shooting with arrows, well he's better than Percy and that's all that matters.

"Ok then. We'll see how well you do with the shadow thing and I have no doubt about the sword part. Maybe the dagger, but let's see how this goes. So, I've been staking out this warehouse for a few weeks and I've finally got the schedule of the guards and when they rotate," Jason then went off to explain how they were going to get inside and make sure they take out the drug lord, the big boss.
Nico was crouched at a different spot near Jason behind a crate, waiting for the next guard change. It was around two in the morning, but strangely the weather wasn't too acrimonious being only about forty degrees. Nico was in his black v-neck shirt, black cargo pants, black combat boots, and finally his black cloak with his hood up. The cloak made it so that there was a shadow in his face, even when a light was directly cast in his face. His sword was strapped to his waist and his daggers were holstered to his forearms.

While Jason was in his regular getup, he debated whether or not he should take his rubber bullets rather than real ones. He eventually took both.

Jason gave the signal and Nico then left to go through a vent, wrapping the shadows around him.

He ran quietly and quickly then scaled the wall. Once he reached the vent he gently opened it, careful not to make any noise. He slipped in and made his way through the endless tunnels.

He looked through one of the coverings below him and saw that he was right above the control room, the one that watched all the cameras.

He then shadow travelled right behind the two goons and knocked them out. All of this happened without a single whisper being made. Nico then approached the computer and looped them all.

"Go ahead Hood, your move," Nico said as he put his finger to his ear.

"A little more than a minute, nice moves kid. Just be careful of motion sensors and don't trip any alarms. Abide to the plan no matter what," Nico nodded then realized that he couldn't see him then said the proper response.

Nico waited in the room until he heard guards fall to the ground. Nico opened the door and nodded at Hood as they made their way down the hall, ready at a moments notice.

Nico knelt down by the door, that they were supposed to enter, and started to pick it. In spite of what people say about the Hermes kids, they could absolutely teach you astonishing things.

The door made a click after a few seconds and they entered cautiously, the lights were out and it was pitch black. That unnerved Red Hood but Nico felt right at home in the mimicked room of night.

Nico's eyes widened as he felt different shadows move in the dark.

"Wait! It's a-" before he could finish his sentence there was a glass cage that fell on top of them. The gas started to fill up the space and they both fell out cold.

The last thing Nico saw was a pair of familiar boots marching toward him, a girl's voice speaking.

Word Count - 687

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