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If any of you know supernatural you're going to like this one and the next one. I just hope I get all the information correct considering I just started season 8. And if you have please don't spoil it in the comments.

When Nico walked into the Watch Tower he didn't expect to see six costumed figures waiting for him. He scanned each of them as they all sized him up.

"Good, you're all here." Batman said as he walked next to Nico.

"Everyone, this is Ghost King. He will be the one to help us find the mass murderer,"Batman stated.

"Well, it's nice to meet you. I'm-"Nico interrupted him.

"I know who you all are. You all are, after all, heroes in the public's' eyes," Nico said in a deep voice that seemed to echo around the room.

"Then what about you? How do you see us as?"Flash asked.

Nico stared at him before answering,"A disaster waiting to happen." Green Lantern snorted at the statement.

"Who are you, or rather, what. You don't seem human,"Aqua man glared.

"Like Batman said, I'm the Ghost King,"Nico glared back.

"Let's move on shall we. We need to be able to find this murderer before someone else get's hurt."Batman said, changing the subject, as he walked over to a separate room.

This one had a big round table with seven chairs evenly spaced, all with a different name on it concerning each league member. The seven heroes took a seat as Batman pulled up a holographic screen, typing into his gauntlet. A minute later images of crime scenes were displayed. Most were just of the victims because of the lack of evidence that was laying around.

"These past few months there were murders of these victims across several cities with the same signature move, all were seemed to be strangled, yet there were no bruises or finger prints to indicate someone was there. In fact, there were signs of a struggles yet there was nothing found underneath the victims' nails." Batman informed Nico as he stood off to the side.

Nico's eyebrows furrowed as he twisted his skull ring. These attacks seemed familiar, yet the victims that were displayed had nothing to do with each other. The only thing connecting them was that they were all found dead in one of the hero's city. About three each by the looks of it.

"Zoom in on that picture."Nico pointed to one.

Batman did as the picture enlarged. Nico then mentally growled as he realized what they were dealing with. Yes, it was a what.

"Just hold on a minute. How can we trust you when we have never even heard of you. Something about you isn't right and I know I'm not the only one that can sense it,"Arthur said.

"He's right, what is the purpose that you are here for. Your real purpose?"Wonder Woman asked.

"Like it was said before. I'm here to help you find this murderer because you all are unable to do it yourselves,"Nico said.

"Then how come we have never heard of you?"Wonder Woman retorted.

"I like to keep a low profile. Batman didn't even know I existed until a few weeks ago,"Nico said.

"That does not mean anything. You hold a dark aura around you. Not to mention that you smell like death,"Nico tensed at the statement.

"Diana, that is enough. This is not like you,"Superman said with wide eyes.

"No, it is all right, boy scout. Besides, I expected this to be of a problem concerning the Amazons. They were never ones to trust a male so easily,"Nico said with a small glare, remembering his capture during the war.

"Although I don't know how he knows this, he is right. Which begs the question, what are you doing here, Devil's Spawn,"Wonder Woman said with a small smirk as Nico tensed ever so slightly.

"That is enough. I did not bring him here to be interrogated. I reached out to him to help as this is within his specialty. Can we continue this or are we going to lose the very person that could help us put this man to justice,"Batman spoke.

"Which brings up another question, what are your powers? If this is your specialty," The Flash asked.

"I talk to the dead, and now that I see the information that you all have gathered. You can't bring this man to justice, at least, not in this world."Just as Nico said this questions went flying.

"Quiet! How is that possible?"Superman asked.

"The one that is killing these people. It's not human, it's a spirit, a rather angry one at that,"Nico said.

"With what evidence do you have?"Martian Manhunter spoke up for the first time since his arrival.

"One, there was nothing left behind. Two, I got a bit curious when Batman said there was a struggle when there was nothing under the nails. Third, no bruises around the neck where they were strangled. The last thing is the small amounts of yellow powder left behind, sulfur,"Nico said as he leaned against the wall.

"And if you're wrong?"Martian Manhunter asked.

"It was said before and I'll say it again, it's my specialty,"Nico stated.

Little did the League know, Nico was right, it was a spirit. A vengeful one that escaped the underworld when Thanatos was captured. Even though most spirits were brought back, some were able to escape the clutches of death and either terrorize people, haunt different places, or roam the earth. But the one that was just identified Nico knew all too well.

Hey guys! Fastest update I've done in a while. I hope you all like it because I know I enjoyed typing up this one. If there is anything that seems weird or one of the heroes are a little OOC (Out Of Character) Let me know so I could try to fix it.

Comment what you think will happen next and what you thought of this chapter. Anyways don't forget to check out my other story, Counting Until Crazy, if you're waiting for the next part to be updated.

Anyways I hope you all are enjoying it and are having a great day/night.

Word Count - 1059

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