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After the defeat of Ares, everyone decided that that it would be best to talk somewhere more private and not in the open. That's how Nico ended up blindfolded and in the back of Batman's car, heading to the Batcave.

During the ride to their cave Artemis spoke in his mind. You are allowed to tell those that know of Batman's hideout. Do not, under any circumstances, tell anyone else. If you do, I will make it my mission to make sure you will face a worse fate than death. Nico only rolled his eyes under his blindfold as his response. At least he now knows he won't be breaking his oath on the river Styx.

After what felt like hours of driving, Nico's blind fold was taken off by one of the batboys. What greeted Nico's eyes was amazing. Sure, he wasn't too impressed after living in his fathers palace and visiting Olympus. However, by a mortal's standard and how they were able to build this, it was fascinating.

They entered another room, one filled with different gadgets and a giant computer with one long keyboard and a chair. On the side there were a set of stairs leading to different manikins inside. That must have been where they kept there suits.

"So-" Nico started,"How are we going to do this?"

"First, you can tell us what that fight was about and what you are." Batman said as he proceeded to the over-sized computer.

"Fine. Are any of you familiar with Greek mythology?" Everybody nodded.

"Good. Because every story told or the ones that you've heard, it's real," Nico was expecting to get a bit of reaction out of this, instead all he got were one or two jaw drops and a few quizzical looks.

"Well, it makes sense because of Diana. But I only thought they were aliens?" Tim asked.

"No, they're definitely real. Besides, I'm sure the daughter of Zeus doesn't even know of our existence. And if she does, then I'm sure she either doesn't care or is to busy to deal with us. Well, any questions?" Nico asked, looking from one person to the other.

"Uh, Yeah. What are you and what do a bunch of gods have to do anything with this." Nightwing spoke up.

"Well, you see, I'm a demigod, or a half-blood. Which means I have one mortal parent and the other is a god. My mom was a mortal, and my dad's a god. And you all have a new enemy rising that's leading a large army. And that army consists of different Greek monsters and possibly corrupt demigods," Nico began to explain.

"Well, if the army is as big as you say it is, then why are you here? Don't we need a lot more help to defeat these things?" Jason asked.

"Yes, and that is why I'm here. To gain the league's trust and any hero that I get into contact with. That way, I can act as an ambassador for both camps. I was sent as a peace maker, to prevent another civil war from happening. As soon as I have enough information on everybody, I am then given orders to go onto the next phase."

"And what is that phase?" Batwoman asked.

"I don't know. I am under strict orders to not tell anybody until I am given the go ahead."

"Ok. So back to the part where you're a demigod. Who's your parent?" Jason asked.

Nico just stared at him for a full minute before answering, "My father is Hades, Lord of the Underworld and god of Wealth,"

"Any powers that comes with being a demigod?" Tim asked.

"I can raise the dead, talk to spirits, and control the shadows,"Nico answered with a guarded look.

"That's cool. Give us a demonstration?" Smiled Dick.

"No. We need to get back on topic, the war."

"He's right. If we are going to battle these monsters then we need to know how to stop them," Batman said from his position at the batcomputer.

"First thing that you need to know is that they don't die, you can kill them but they will eventually come back with vengeance. There are three type of special metals to defeat them: Celestial Bronze, Imperial Gold, and Stygian Iron. However, if there are werewolves then you'll need silver," Nico explained as he twisted his skull ring.

"Where are we even going to get them then, because I know that I have never heard of those metals before." Tim said as he's typing away at his gantlet, possibly trying to find information on the metals that were listed.

"That's where the demigods come in. Right now we have finished a war of our own, including another Civil war. This is very delicate and one wrong move could destroy us all."

"What war? And another Civil War?"Jason asked, furrowing his eyebrows.

"The first civil war happened in America, the north and the south. The Romans were pro slavery in the south while the Greeks were against it in the North. Just a few months ago the Roman and Greek demigods had no clue that the other existed. We only found out when leaders of both groups were switched with no memory intact. This was caused by Hera, she did this as a way to defeat Gaia, the mother earth. And in doing so the Greeks and Romans were able to unite and create peace."Nico explained with a small smile, remembering that he finally had a home.

"However, before the leaders were switched I was traveling between both groups, acting as an ambassador to Pluto for the Romans," Nico further explained.

"That's why they picked you to spy on us. To persuade us to help." Robin concluded.

Nico rubbed the back of his neck nervously,"Not necessarily. In fact, they had already chosen someone to help but since I ran into hood on accident they had no other choice. Instead I was their next best option."

In the next couple hours Nico spent the rest of the night with the Bat family trying to create a plan that wouldn't blow up in their faces.

Word Count - 1015

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