Chapter 23

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Chapter Twenty-three

I was alone in the waiting room. Well, it wasn't a real waiting room. It was the waiting area to get into the office to talk with the headmaster. Simon's dad. But I was still alone. Simon wasn't here and neither was Tela. The only thing with me was the rock in my stomach and the dragon on my arm. The dragon was no help anyways.

The clock was making the worst noise imaginable too. The tick-tock, tick-tock, made me want to bash my own head in. Everything about this situation made me want to bash my own head in.

The door swung open, covering the sound of the annoying clock andI turned to look at the headmaster. He was frowning. "Hello Eve." I stood up and walked into his office. He closed the door after me and allowed me to sit in one of the guest chairs.

Then he let out a long sigh as he sat down. "Tela has told me much but I want to hear it from you."

"Because she's losing her mind," I suggested.

His face fell, "Eve, she was in hysterics. I couldn't understand a word she was saying."

I rolled my eyes. "Wallace Henry killed Kamer, then he killed Ashley. Then Tela killed Wallace Henry. His dragon died and we got out, that's all that happened."

His frown deepened. "Eve, there has to be more than that. Start from the beginning, after you stole the spaceship would be a great place."

I stared at him for a long moment. Why did I have to relive this right now? We screwed up and we knew that. Why must everyone now shove it in our faces. I've had interview after interview with authorities, lawers, wizards, teachers, and now the headmaster.

"I want to go home, "I admitted. "I don't want to attend this school anymore."

He looked at me with surprise, "Eve, you cannot do that."

"Watch me," I stood up and left his office. My chest was tightening and this was going to get me into trouble but I couldn't take it anymore. I ran out of the building and into the statue field. There were great magical beings in here forever set in stone, and here I was trying to catch my breath because I was falling apart.

I sat on to a bench and took a couple deep breaths, it hurt my chest. My eyes got watery so I shoved my face into my hands and rested my elbows on my kees.

Why did Ashley have to die? Why did Wallace Henry have to be such a terrible person? Why didn't I do more to stop something like this from happening?

This is all my fault. I am the reason Ashley and Kamer are dead.

I killed them.

"Are you alright?" Someone's voice made me jump and I looked up from my hands to see a guy standing there. He was wearing all black and carrying a wooden sword. Warrior?

"Do I look alright?" I snapped, unintentionally. He looked scared and I sighed, "sorry, it's been a really bad couple of months."

He stared at me for a long moment. "School?"

I let out a strained laugh, if only it was just school. Maybe I should have just stayed here all along. Learnt like a Greater Wizard. Tried to control myself more. Trusted myself. Trusted anything other than Wallace Henry.

"My best friend is dead," I told him and his eyebrows shot up in surprise. "And it's all my fault."

He nodded his head and continued to stare at me. I stared back. "My name is Nat by the way."

I nodded, "I'm Eve."

He then came over to sit beside me on the bench and sighed, "this school is really good for teaching the basics, for helping everyone get started and giving them knowledge they may need to move forward. However, they aren't preparing to let you go. Yes, you're stuck here for six, maybe seven years. Maybe, they'll find a way to keep you and have you teach, because they baby you. They don't tell you about how scary it actually is out there all the time. They say it's for your safety, but it's really not."

He and I looked at each other for another long moment before I finally asked, "who are you?"

Nat smiled brightly, "just a year six Warrior."

Then he got up and left.

I sat there for a long time. What should I do then? Learn here or somewhere else?

I looked around at the statues. Tela had told me and Ashley all about the people they were modeled after. Wizards, vampires, warriors, fairies, shifters. All people who inspired this school to start. The two wizard statues being one dragon wizard who fought in the war. He was a general or something, I can't remember all the details but he was apparently 'awesome,' as Tela had said. The other was a Lesser Mind, she was the one who started some tournament that ended up being the games they like to have here for the wizards to learn how to fight.

Both had real world experience and moved on from a school easily.

I need to make my own path.

I stood up finally from the bench, my butt slightly asleep from sitting and staring for so long, and left for the portal room. They were going to let me out whether they wanted to or not.


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