Chapter 11

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Chapter Eleven

The heat sucked a lot. More than Escore, and more than Noaria. Shosle was a humid planet, meant for vacation not for running for your life. I can understand why some people who venture outside the station walls don't make it back.

Running from the locals in this humidity would slow anyone down.

After I was a good amount away from the station and finally under the cover of enough trees, I slowed down to a walk. I have to watch out for the locals of this planet and any dangerous animals that come with it.

If I die because some weird looking snake bites me, I'll never be able to forgive myself. I'll be dead, but my ghost will spend eternity guilt-ridden. I would rather die trying to fight the Dark Elves or doing something important. Not because of a tiny snake.

So I kept an eye out for everything in the trees and on the ground. I was way too cautious but I felt like I needed to be.

'Are you going to stay awake all night? Or find a place to sleep?'

I didn't want to answer because someone or something might hear me, but Spitz can't read my mind when I wish to talk to him. We've already tried that. On more than one occasion.

So I pulled up the sleeve so his head was showing and bright my arm up to whisper and answer him. "I'll probably be awake all night. Just in case."

'I will be awake too.'

I shook my head, "you can sleep."

'You are stronger when I can help you.'

"I know, but if I really need your help I can always wake you up instead. You need rest."

'You need rest too, but you're too stubborn.'

"I don't want the reason for my death to be because a space snake bit me or something."

I could see him roll his eyes, but he didn't respond so I put my arm back down and kept walking. I left the sleeve up so he could see but kept it on my arm just in case I needed to hide him at a moments notice.

The forest part of the planet even had the ocean winding through it. Every once and a while I'd see ones of those scary sea creatures pop out of the water and look at me. It made em jump the first few times, but when I realized all they wanted to do was look at me I tried to ignore it.

They looked terrifying, but I don't think they wanted me for lunch. That was very good.

I found a rather large tree after an hour of walking and decided maybe I shouldn't walk too far from the station. When I need to start heading back in that direction, I want to be able to find my way. So I climbed up the tree. Which was extremely difficult and resulted in more than a few scratches all over my body. I probably should have put pants over my shorts or some gloves on, but it was way too hot still.

When I got sitting up high enough, I took a look around. There seemed to be nothing anywhere at all. Just trees, sound, and ocean. All of it twisted together with no real design. Everything without a reason.

It was amazing.

There came a battle cry in the distance. One voice turned to two and two turned to ten and ten turned to a hundred or more. They were all screaming and running. Coming closer from some direction. I couldn't tell where because there were so many screams.

I pulled my knees up to my chest in an attempt to hide myself closer to the tree trunk. Oh gosh, I hope they don't find me.

The battle cry changed a few times until I could hear the loud thundering of their feet. Who knew feet on sand could sound so loud. They must be very close.

As much as I could, I sunk back into the tree trunk and made sure that nothing from me could be seen from under the tree. I swear I might actually cry if one of them spots me. Tela said they were terrifying and leave no outside survivors.

It was't five minutes since I heard the thundering of their feet that they came into view. At least a hundred of them all running together through the sand, not stepping in any of the ocean bits. They moved like waves, perfectly in sync.

'You'll be alright, just don't move and they won't look up.'

Having Spitz here was reassuring. It meant I wasn't alone. I wouldn't be alone ever again. I tried really hard not to breathe too much because they could have sensitive hearing and I could be spotted.

The wave passed right under me and all around me. There were so many, possibly more then a hundred now. They just kept coming.

My arm started to tingle.

'Eve, you must stop this.'

Stop what? What was he talking about? Man, I really wish he could hear my thoughts like I could hear his.

'Eve, they're doing something to me.'

Who? The Dark Elves? The Natives running under us right now?"

My arm started to burn, as if I had put it on a hot metal stove. I moved my sleeve up again to look at Spitz face. His eyes were opening and closing as if something was irritating them.

I wanted to ask him what he meant, what was happening to him but the wave was still passing underneath me and if I said anything, I'd be spotted right away.

Then his mouth opened and turned red and fire shot out, right off of my hand and into the air as if my wrist was breathing fire.

I screamed and stood up and stepped the wrong way. The next thing I knew I was falling. Falling right into the wave of deadly people running through the sand. With fire spewing from Spitz mouth with a fury that could only come from a giant dragon, not the small one on my arm.


The voice of Spitz in my head was cut off by my head making contact with the sand of the planet Shosle. Then I knew of nothing.

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