Chapter 13

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Chapter Thirteen

The two ladies took turns in coming to watch me and leaving the hut for god knows what. They gave me some weird fruit but if it was edible for them, why not me too? I tried a bit of it and it didn't effect me after an hour so I figured it was okay to eat the rest of it.

I was getting a bit restless and agitated.

What did they have planned with me? Why were they keeping me in this stupid tent? I need to get going. I don't even know if its night or day or how long I had been passed out for.

I probably missed the window for going through the portal with Tela and Ashley. Or if I haven't yet, I won't make it back to the station in time. They've already kept me here far too long.

Finally, the older lady came back with a man who looked too serious. "Jel will be guarding you so that no one tries to kill you."

Or I don't run off probably more like.

Jel was very scary once the old lady left. He stood there staring at me with no expression on his face. We both stared at each other for a long moment until I finally stood up and went to the corner of the room for my backpack. This made him jump into action.

He stood in front of my backpack in no time flat. I froze and waited for him to say something, but he just stared at me.

"That bag is mine," I said to him and he scrunched his eyebrows a little. "I'd like it back." I added but he just continued to stare at me.

I let out a deep sigh and tried to reach around him but he kept moving into my way. After a few more attempts I turned around and clenched my teeth. Fine. Have it your way. I turned back to him and smirked, "you're an idiot."

I held out my right arm and my bag flew into my hand. His eyes widened a little and I strapped the bag onto my back. Even did up the little clip that goes over your chest so that if he tried to pull it off, he wouldn't be able to.

He continued to watch me as if I was about to run off or do something crazy. Well, I might do something crazy. Just not this second. I need to get out of this hut first.

"So..." I drug on. Maybe if I was annoying he'd leave me alone. "Are we doing that thing they told me about?"

They didn't tell me about anything. Spitz did. He heard them while I was passed out. They were having some sort of feast tonight but he wasn't exactly sure why.

"Not time," Jel said and I raised my eyebrows in surprise.

"You can speak," I was actually impressed a little. He wasn't a mindless robot who's only mission was to make me stay put. "When will it be time?"

"Not time," he said again and I frowned. Maybe he is a mindless robot.

I crossed my arms over my chest and he just stared back. "So are you water proof?"

His one eyebrow twitched, but he didn't say anything so I continued. "Because I feel like space robots like yourself will be water proof. I mean,if you are a robot that means you fell through that water portal you'd have to be water proof."

His one eye twitched now and he still didn't say anything.

"Are you even from this planet?" I narrowed my eyes at him. He looked like he belonged but he also looked as if he was trying too hard to belong here. "Do you want to go home? I can get you there."

His eyebrow actually raised a full centimetre. "I am home."

"Really?" I smiled at him and he let his eyebrow fall back and took back on the blank expression. "New home? What about your old home? Do you have a family? I'm sure they miss you a lot. Mine does. So do all my friends. Which is why I must get back to them."

He and I both went silent for a long time.

"Where are you from?" He finally asked.

"Earth," my smile got a little brighter. "You?"

"Aflion," he said rather quietly.

"I can get you back there," I was finally getting somewhere. "You just have to help me get to the water."

He shook his head, "no. No more water."

I raised an eyebrow, "I can make the water bring us to Aflion. That's what this dragon does." I pointed to my left arm and he looked at it for a long time.

"Dragon? No one has magic dragons?" He said then narrowed his eyes while looking back at my face. "People only have bears and eagles and scorpions and chetahs. No Dragons."

"You know about Wizards," this made me smile even more. "Then you know that Dragon Wizards existed purely for the reason to defeat the Dark Elves."

His eyes widened, "the darkness."

I nodded my head, "which is why I must leave."

He nodded and looked towards the hut door. "The water? You can make it take us to Aflion?"

"Yes," I said very sure of myself. I wasn't sure if I could really do that, but I was going to try my hardest. Plus, if making him believe that I can will get me out of this place, then I'll do it.

"Alright," he nodded once more to me. "We must go now then."

Now this is what I like to hear.

Missing Wizard - NaNoWriMo 2016Where stories live. Discover now