Chapter 16

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Chapter Sixteen

Kamer and Jome and I all stared at one another for a long few moments. Until I decided to sit down in the chair again.

"So you're a Dragon Wizard then." Kamer said more than asked but I slowly nodded my head.

"You're a Dragon Wizard too then." I said and he slowly nodded his head.

"More or less."

I scrunched my eyebrows, "what's that supposed to mean."

He stood up from his chair and put his foot right up on the table then lifted up his pant leg. There was a long sock covering most of it so he pulled it down. A short yellow dragon lay there fast asleep. Tiny in size and much easier to hide than me.

"He's dead," Kamer said and I looked up to see his face was very serious.

"And still on your leg?"

He nodded, pulled up his sock, then sat back down on his chair. "All of the dragons died when the Dark Elves got locked up in their planet again."

I looked down at my hands, this news was not going to be nice to give him. He probably fought so hard against them and lost his dragon afterwards and now their back. After all these years. That's devastating.

"How old are you?" He asked quietly as if he didn't want to hear the answer.

I didn't want to give him the answer. "I'm sixteen."

He didn't say anything so I looked up. He was just staring at my neck where you can see Spitz tale.

"They're back aren't they?" Jome asked from the doorway.

Kamer finally looked up at my face, "all the signs are here."

I slowly nodded my head, "they've been following me for over two months. They've been trying to control my dragon."

"Have they succeeded?" Kamer was very alarmed at this information.

"He blew fire back on Shosle. Got me captured by the locals."

They both looked at me very alarmed, "how are you not dead?"

"Did you know that all the ocean water on that planet is a portal?" I looked at them wide-eyed and probably looked crazy but this was serious and someone ought to know. "Like people and creatures just appear from all over the place from there and other people fall in there and get transported all over the place!"

"How do you know all this?" Kamer had that look that said he didn't believe me.

"How do you think I went from being captured to on Aflion?" I raised an eyebrow, "I didn't go through a regular portal to get there because they were turned off. Only way to turn them back on was to have already been on the planet."

"Right..." Kamer said slowly. He didn't really seem to believe me, "and how did you get to the water if you were captured?"

"The man who was guarding me helped me because he was from Aflion."

"Did he stay there?"

I shrugged, "he ran off as soon as we got to the planet and I didn't see him again."

Kamer stared at me for a long time. He seemed to be thinking really long about this. "Who did you say you were going to see?"

"Wallace Henry..."

He frowned, "I knew him."

Was that good or bad news? He didn't seem to like that I was heading to meet Wallace Henry. However, I still need to get trained and Wallace Henry is the only one who stepped up to the plate.

"You shouldn't train with him." Kamer was very sure of this.

I sighed with frustration, "well who else is going to train me so I can save the Universe!" He and I stared at each other for a long moment while I waited for him to answer my question. "Well? Are you going to help me?"

"I have no magic and neither does Wallace Henry," Kamer said as if this was knowledge that every knew. He was very sure of himself.

"Then how does he visit me in my dreams and how did he start training me there just over two months ago?" I shot back, "he has magic because I wasn't using mine until he came along so none of that makes any sense. Besides, how do you know that? You know him?"

"I fought beside him and I saw him lose his dragon," Kamer shot back at me. "He hasn't had any magic since they killed his dragon. Thousands and thousands of years ago."

Wallace Henry was a Dragon Wizard... And his dragon was killed in the war...

"Then how did he do all of that?" I questioned and Kamer let out a frustrated sigh.

I was just making him more frustrated while he was making me more frustrated. We were going to get nowhere.

"Alright," I said after we had both taken a few deep breaths to collect our thoughts. "What if you come with me to Lifren? You can ask him yourself."

He looked at me in disbelief, "what if you stay here and I can train you myself."

I shook my head, "my two friends are on their way there right now. We got separated on Shosle when the Dark Elves showed up. I had to run and then I got captured. You know the rest."

Kamer let out a deep sigh and rubbed his forehead. "Fine, we'll go to Lifren. But if Wallace Henry talks to you in any way, don't mention me. At all. Clear?"

"You two didn't get along, did you?"

He didn't answer my question, "Jome, get her bag and tell Tellom I am taking time off to train a new Dragon Wizard. He'll understand. Also, tell him to prepare for war."

"Right away," Jome said with a shaky voice and ran out of the door.

"We'll take a ship," Kamer said more to himself than me. "We'll be there in a day or two. I'll need to stop off at home and gather some things. A toothbrush..."

"How long will this take?" I asked and his eyes snapped up to look at me.

"Not long at all, I just need a few essentials for travelling and defending myself on Lifren." He paused and looked very unsure, "I hope your two friends can keep themselves alive on Lifren until we get there."

I nodded, "one's a Greater Mind and the other is a Warrior."

He nodded over and over again while repeating the word "good" to himself. He was really thinking hard about all of this. I went in head first into everything. We are very different. I wonder if we'll get along at all.

Missing Wizard - NaNoWriMo 2016Where stories live. Discover now