Chapter 7

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Chapter Seven

"You sure are taking your time," the voice made me jump. I spun around and came face-to-face with Wallace Henry.

"Sorry but I am crossing the entire freaking Universe," I rolled my eyes and noticed we were back outside of his cave. "It's not as easy as you'd think."

He crossed his arms over his chest, "hurry up and get moving then. We don't have much time."

Some unseen force pushed me back and I sat up straight in bed.

Ashley's reflexes are amazing because her face was in the way when I sat up and she managed to move out of the way. Even in the pitch black dark. "Watch it," she muttered. "I'm just trying to get in there too because the sofa is cold."

I blinked a few times, "sorry, Wallace Henry just sent me back here or else I'd still be sleeping."

"Huh," she sighed. "Move over."

I moved onto the cold side of the bed and shivered.

"So nice," Ashley sighed happily as she crawled into my warm side.

"So mean," I muttered but it made her laugh.

After a long moment of silence she whispered, "what did W-H have to say?"

"He wants me to hurry up," I groaned. "He obviously has no idea how hard it is to get to Lifren. There's such a long distance to travel and portals only reach so far."

"You'll get there," she tried to reassure me. "All three of us will. Then you'll get some badass training so you can defeat the Dark Elves and save the universe from destruction."

"Yea," I rolled my eyes even though I knew she couldn't see me in the dark. "Just a few simple things and I'll go down in history. No biggie. Might die though."

Ashley laughed, "no that's what Tela and I are here for."

"You maybe," I muttered. I knew Ashley heard me. She decided not to comment.

"Goodnight Eve."

"Night Ashely."

The next time I woke up was because the sun was streaming through the curtains. I guess they aren't used to all of this sun on this planet because the curtains were good with the cloud coverage, but not with direct sun light.

"Close the curtains," Ashley muttered as she rolled the other way so the light was out of her eyes.

"They are closed," I sat up and stared off into nowhere for a long minute. I should probably get up or something. "Have you ever woke up and just decided you need a nap already."

Ashely groaned, "yes, right this very moment."

I smiled to myself and looked at the windows, "why is it so sunny? Vampires are everywhere and they hate the sun. Is this normal?"

Ashley finally sat up and rubbed her eyes, "I don't know Eve. Why don't you go find Tela and ask her why the sun is out."

I narrowed my eyes at her and she just sleepily blinked at me. "Can I go back to sleep now?"

She rolled back onto the bed and away from me once again. I sighed an scrawled out of bed. As soon as my feet hit the floor, Ashley pulled the blankets all to her side of the bed and over her face to keep the light out.

The floor was very warm however. So I just made my way over to the door to leave my room without grabbing anything for my feet. The hallway outside of my room was a completely different story. Freezing cold on the feet and somewhere was a breeze with nothing but cold air blowing directly at me.

Tela's room was only one door away and I tried not to think too much about it before I went to knock on it. I didn't need to. The door was open a crack. I could see flashes from a TV on inside the room but no sound was coming from it.

I stood there for a long moment to listen to see if anything was wrong before I went into the room.

Tela was sitting on the floor in front of the sofa, staring at the TV. There were scenes in front of her from a natural disaster somewhere in the Universe. She just sat there watching the same stuff over and over again because someone had set it to repeat itself. Just pictures of destruction playing in front of her face and she wasn't even moving.

"Tela?" I whispered but nothing happened. I cleared my throat which was a bit louder, but she still didn't move. "Tela," I was much louder this time. She stayed in the same position.

I slowly crept towards her, repeating her name as I did to not scare her out of something suddenly.

When I reached her I said her name rather loudly and when she didn't move or show any signs of hearing me, I put my hand on her shoulder.

Her hand flew up and gripped my wrist, pulling me down to the ground. My back and head hit ground with such force that I'm sure I'll be feeling that for a long time. "Eve?" Tell said with surprise and her death grip on my wrist went away. "Oh my gosh Eve! Are you okay?"

I squinted as I looked up at her, "holy crow you're strong."

She gave me a nervous smile, "I am so sorry, I didn't hear you come in."

"Really?" I sat up and started rubbing my neck. Wow that hurts. "I said your name like fifty times."

She stared at me for a really long time. I wonder where she was and why she didn't hear me. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay," I gave her a small smile. "Ashley and I just wanted to know why the sun was out."

Tela looked towards her windows and became surprised. "I have no idea."

Tela stared at the window and I stared at her. Her aura was the same as always, but it was like her mind wondered off somewhere else and hasn't found its way back yet. I wonder...

"We should go check it out," Tela broke my train of thought. "Where's Ashley?"

I blinked, trying to bring myself back to this conversation, "sleeping. Or at least trying to."

Missing Wizard - NaNoWriMo 2016Where stories live. Discover now