
498 14 1

September 1st

The team and I were just getting off the jet and entering the building to debrief the most recent assignment. The only thing I needed to do before leaving was write a report and wait for Spencer, figuring he was my ride. I gave Penelope a quick hug before sitting down at my desk and getting to work, I didn't want to be here any longer than I had to.

About 15 minutes later, I was standing up with the other's from our desks.

"You all want to grab dinner?" Spencer speaks up as he sets a hand on my shoulder. I nod and so do the others.

"Where were you thinking?" I ask as we all step into the elevator.

"How about that Italian place just a few blocks away?" Morgan asks and we all nod in agreement.

We all get off the elevator and into separate vehicles before all driving to the same place. I starred at Spencer while he drove, one hand on the wheel one on my thigh. I smile as I think of all the great memories we've had and not so great ones too, but one outweighed the other.

He pulls into the parking lot and I take my eyes off him and get out of the car once he parks. I go around the car and grab his hand giddily before all of us walk into the restaurant. Morgan had reserved us a table so we all went and sat down in a circle like we always did. I sat with Spencer on my left and Penelope on my right, JJ was next to her, then it went Prentiss, Rossi, Hotchner, and Morgan was next to Spencer.

"So," Penelope says mysteriously and I turn to her while the others chat. "What's happening with you and boy wonder?"

"Penelope, we aren't in 8th grade anymore," I tell her with a stern face, but break out into a smile before leaning towards her. "But nothing besides what is already happening is happening."

"You're not pregnant?" She asks out of the blue, quietly but it throws me off.

"No!" I whisper shout at her. "No I am not. Why would you assume that?"

"You've been eating a lot of saltines lately," JJ butts in and I raise my eyebrows at them.

"That doesn't mean I'm pregnant," I tell them. "Plus, I couldn't be."

"You mean you guys haven't..." Penelope trails off and I shake my head. "Two and a half years and you guys haven't done it?"

"We have, but not often," I tell them. "And it's not any of your business to be in-the-know about our sex life. Now can we change topics."

"Make I take your orders?" A waitress says interrupting everyone, which I was very grateful for. The table goes around giving our orders and then she walks away.

I turn to Spencer as he grabs my hand and I smile brightly. His shaggy hair fell over his forehead and his dark eyes starred into my hazel ones longingly. He uses his free hand to push the loose strands of my hair behind my ear before kissing my forehead.

"Can you guys not do the whole lovey-dovey thing in front of us?" Morgan speaks up and everyone laughs.

"Actually there is a reason I wanted all of us together for tonight," Spencer says and takes hold of both my hands. "Anastasia..."

"I've told you a billion times to call me Tasie," I interrupt him.

"Let me finish," he laughs and so do I. "Anastasia. We have been together for exactly two years, seven months, one week, and four days. When you walked into the briefing room for the first time, I could immediately see that your face applied to the golden ratio of beauty and I couldn't take my eyes off of you. You already mean so much to me, but I do just want to know one thing."

"Anything," I tell him with a smile. He gets out of his chair then gets down on one knee and I cover my face with my hands.

"Will you make me the happiest man in the world, and marry me?" He asks and I nod my head vigorously.

"Yes!" I exclaim and grab his face with my hands before kissing him softly. We stand up and I wrap my arms around his neck before taking a step back remembering the ring. He takes it out of the velvet box and slips it onto the right finger.

"Do you like it?" He asks nervously and I nod at him with tears in my eyes.

"It's beautiful, Spencer," I tell him as he wipes the tears off my face before kissing me again. The team and the whole restaurant were cheering like crazy as we sat down. Penelope, JJ, and Prentiss were instantly asking to look at the ring, while Morgan, Rossi and Hotchner all congratulated Spencer.

"I am definitely paying for dinner!" Rossi exclaims. He raises his glass and so do the others. "A toast, to the newly engaged. You two were made for each other and everyone at this table knows it. To Anastasia and Spencer!"

"To Anastasia and Spencer!" Everyone else echoes back and we all take a drink. While the girls were still fawning over my ring, I turned to look at Spencer. Morgan had him in a headlock and was ruffling his hair, while Hotchner and Rossi laughed at the two. I smile just thinking about my future with these people, they were my family.

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