Chapter One

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June 1st

It's been nine months since I was engaged to Dr. Spencer Reid and now there was only two weeks till the big day. I had just gotten out of the shower and was blow drying my hair while wrapped in a towel when Spencer walked in. He was only in a pair of sweats and his hair was in a mess on top of his head. He starts to mess with his hair trying to control it, but every few seconds I'd point the hairdryer at him and watch him get a little frustrated.

"Tasie," He says and turns to me.

I turn the blow dryer off and look at him with a smirk. He takes a step towards me but I turn it back on and start to blow him with hot air. He grabs the hairdryer from me and turns it off quickly before setting it down and puts his hands on my waist. He picks me up and puts me on the countertop gently. I put my hands on either side of his face, while his still rested on my waist. I pull him close and smash my lips against his. His grip tightens as the kiss deepens.

"Think we could have some fun before work?" I ask as he starts to kiss my neck.

"Of course," He whispers into my ear. His hands unravel the towel around me and start to roam my bare body as my fingers get tangled in his curly hair. One of his hands were busy with me, when his phone went off scaring both of us. He kept it there though as he grabbed his phone. He puts a finger to his lips telling me to keep quiet as he answered the phone. "Hello... yea, Tasie is still asleep... I'll wake her then we'll be there shortly... Bye, Garcia."

He puts the phone down and smirks at me.

"We've got a case," he tells me as he continues to do his thing with me. "But Garcia is giving us some time... alone."

With that he takes his hand back and wraps his arms around me before picking me up and walking me to the bed. This wouldn't take too long.


After our festivities, I was in the elevator pulling my hair into a ponytail while Spencer tied his tie. He was struggling to I started it for him and when I finished the elevator doors open and their stood Penelope.

"The meeting is about to start," She says and hands us case files. "You guys are never late."

"I was up all night making the final call for the wedding," I tell her as we all walk towards the briefing room. "I slept through my alarm."

"Then why were you fixing his tie?" She asks with a cocked eyebrow. She then shakes her head. "Never mind, I don't want to know."

We walk into the room and take our seats at the table. I open the file to see we'll be heading to NYC.

"In New York City, two women were found in alley ways, their throats slashed and..." Garcia trails off and I read aloud.

"Their uteruses were surgically removed," I finish and she nods.

"So we have a Jack the Ripper wanna-be?" Prentiss asks and Garcia nods again.

"Mary Ann Nichols and Annie Chapman," Garcia says and I look up to see their driver's license photos. "The only difference with the Jack the Ripper case is that these women aren't sex workers and he holds them for two days before killing them."

"Mary Ann Nichols and Annie Chapman are two of the Canonical Five," Spencer says and everyone waits for him to explain. "The Canonical Five were victims of Jack the Ripper. Maybe our unsub doesn't want prostitutes for his recreation, but wants to recreate the Ripper case by finding victims with the same name."

"If that's the case, then there's three more girls on his list," I deduce for the rest of the group.

"Grab your bags, we leave in 20." Hotch says and gets up. We all do the same and head to our desks.

Taking a seat at mine, I lean forward and start to look up everything about the Jack the Ripper case. Three more girls: Elizabeth Stride, Catherine Eddowes, and Mary Jane Kelly. Three more murders if we didn't find this guy soon.

Suddenly my stomach starts to turn and I quickly get up and head to the bathroom. Running in I drop to the floor and start to hurl today's breakfast. Once I was finished, I stayed on the ground as someone walked in.

"Are you okay?" JJ asks and I shake my head no. She crouches down next to me as I look at her.

"I think I'm pregnant," I tell her and her eyes go wide.

"Oh," She says and takes a seat next to me. "How long do you think?"

"About three weeks," I tell her.

"And you haven't taken a test?" She asks and I shake my head no.

"I'm scared," I tell her and my eyes start to water.

"Honey, why?" She asks and grabs my hand.

"Because I don't know how to be a mother," I confess. "My mom died when I was born and I have no idea what I'd be doing."

"Hey, hey," She says and wipes away my tears. "Even though I did have a mom, I'm still learning everything I can about being a mother myself. And I have two kids!"

I laugh and so does she.

"You'll be an amazing mother," She assures me. "Now, I have a test in my desk if you'd like to take one?"

We sit there a minute before I nod my head and she get's up off the floor and leaves. Once she comes back, she hands me the test and leaves me to do it on my own. After taking it I stood at the sink washing my hands and face while it figured out the results. My phone timer goes off and I look at myself in the mirror.

"All will be okay," I tell myself before looking down at the test. Two tiny pink lines starred back up at me. I look back into the mirror and smile. I was going to be a mother, and Spencer a father.

I shove the test and my phone into my pocket before leaving the bathroom and shoving them into my bag. As I walk towards the elevator towards the others, JJ runs up to me.

"So?" She asks and I nod my head. "Congratulations."

"Thank you," I tell her. "Don't tell anyone, I'll tell Spencer when this case is over."

She nods and we all get onto the elevator. Spencer grabs my hand and squeezes it tightly and I smile just thinking that a new member was going to be added to our family.

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