Chapter Eight

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June 15th

I stood in the attic of the barn I planned to get married in, looking at myself in the mirror. I was glad that I never wanted a tight dress to begin with because I was showing, but you could barely tell in this white chiffon dress. It had a sweetheart neckline and had a belt right above my bump. It's like when I bought this dress, I knew I was going to be pregnant. It was a simple dress, but I was a simple girl marrying a not so simple man.

The front part of my hair was braided back, while the rest lay in waves down my back. A single chain with a pearl at the end hung around my neck, my engagement ring on my finger. I smile at myself and giggle a little just at the thought of marrying Spencer.  A knock on the door takes me out of my thoughts and I turn around to see my dad walk in. He held my bouquet of white lilies and daisies, dressed in an dark gray suit.

"You look..." He trails off handing me my bouquet. "Stunning."

"Thanks, dad," I tell him and he gives me a kiss on the cheek. The door opens again and there stood Penelope, JJ, and Prentiss.

"You ready?" Penelope asks.

"More than ever," I answer and she smiles brightly. We all leave the room and head downstairs.

I hear everyone stopping the chit chat as Rossi starts down the aisle first with his notebook because he was the officiant. Then Prentiss walks down alone. JJ and Hotch go next, then Penelope and Morgan. The piano starts and I grab onto my father's arm.

We walk around the corner and I see everyone stand up. At the end of the aisle was Spencer, beaming from ear to ear. The wrinkles around his eyes and happy tears on his cheeks made me smile even bigger than I already was. Reaching the end of the aisle, I kiss my dad before taking a stand in front of the love of my life.

"We are gathered here, because two people fell in love," Rossi begins and I nod along, not taking my eyes off of Spencer. "Anastasia and Spencer, I've known you two for almost five years now and can I just say... finally. Finally you two are getting married! Everyone knew from the moment you two worked your first case together and fell asleep on the plane back home that you guys would end up where you are now. I understand you guys wrote your own vows, so have at it."

Everyone laughs and Spencer reaches into his pocket before pulling out a piece of paper. He looks down at it and sighs before looking back up at me then to our audience.

"Now, everyone knows that I have a fantastic memory," He starts and everyone nods. "But this is the most nervous I have ever been, so I think I'll use the paper."

We all laugh and he smiles before starting.

"Three years, four months, three weeks and six days ago I kissed you for the first time," He says and I nod along. "And from that kiss, I fell in love with you. Not all at once, but slowly. Anastasia, you are the most beautiful, smart and generous person I have ever known, and I promise always to respect you. I will always be honest with you, kind patient, and forgiving. But most of all, with kindness, unselfishness, and trust, I will work by your side to create a wonder life for you and our child."

He finishes and I for the first time, take my eyes off him and look down. Tears dripped off my eyelashes and into my bouquet. Spencer puts his hand under my chin and lifts my head up to look at him. He smiles as he wipes away my tears.

"Damn," I say and hand my bouquet to Penelope behind me. "Didn't think I was gonna cry that hard."

Everyone laughs as I unfold my piece of paper that I hid in my bouquet.

"Spencer," I start off my own vows. "You are my best friend, my lover, and my savior. Exactly nine months, two weeks and two days ago, I made the best decision of my life and said yes to you and your proposal. Not once have a regretted it. Today I will say two little words that are the most meaningful. I promise to encourage and inspire you, to laugh with you, and to comfort you in times of sorrow and struggle. I promise to love you in good times and in bad, when life seems easy and when it seems hard, when our love is simple, and when it is an effort. These things I give to you today, and all the days of our life."

This time I wipe away his tears of joy and squeeze his hand tightly. I could feel the happiness radiating throughout the room.

"Now, cause I gotta ask," Rossi says and we look at him. "Does anyone here object to this union?"

Both of us look out into the audience, but the movement of Morgan's arm catches my attention. I look at him to see he had pushed aside his coat to show off his carry-on gun. Behind him Hotch did the same. I look behind me and see all my bridesmaids showing off their guns strapped to their legs through the slit in their dress. All but Penelope of course.

"Good," Rossi says and I look back at him to see him now showing off his gun. Everyone laughs and Spencer and I playfully hit them all.

"Did you bring yours?" I ask Spencer. He just shrugs before pushing his coat aside and exposing it. I laugh as I push my dress aside at the slit to show my carry-on as well. The team and I all laugh playfully, while the audience laughs nervously at the seven people in front of them carrying guns.

"Spencer Reid," Rossi breaks the laughter. "Do you take Anastasia Grosso to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do," Spencer says, holding both my hands and not daring to break eye contact.

"And do you, Anastasia Grosso, take Spencer Reid to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do," I tell him with a smile.

"Let me be the first to introduce, Mr. and Mrs. Reid!" Rossi exclaims. "You may now kiss your bride."

I put my hands on either side of Spencer's face and pull him towards me. His arms wrap around my waist as our lips meet in our first kiss as husband and wife. Everyone around us cheers spectacularly right up to the moment Spencer and I run out the back door and towards the field where we would be taking photos together.

Spencer stops abruptly and turns around. I look confused, but then a huge smile erupts on my face as he picks me up and spins me in circles. He sets me down and grabs both my hands before kissing my lips passionately.

"I love you so much, Anastasia Reid!" Spencer exclaims and I giggle. He leans down towards my belly and kisses my bump. "And I love you too, baby Reid."

"I love you too, Dr. Spencer Reid," I tell him and he stands up.

The people who were in our tiny reception all ran out the doors as well and I watch as they pop party poppers and throw streamers through the air at Spencer and I. Looking at everyone and the love of my life, I knew that I could never be happier than how happy I am right now.

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