Chapter Three

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Around 3pm

I sat across from Mary Jane in an interrogation room. It felt like I was looking into a mirror, I was in the mindset of becoming this girl and I needed to feel like that.

"What's your cat's name?" I ask.

"Ginevra," She answers.

"Why do you own a book store?"

"It was my dad's, he died and it was passed down to me."

"How do you normally wear your hair?"

"Down and a little curled."

"Say 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog'." I tell her and pull my hair down out of it's ponytail.

"The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog," She says with really great diction at the ends of her words. I repeat it the way she said it and her eyebrow goes up. "Why are you asking me these questions?"

"Because I'm becoming you," I tell her. "I'm the agent going undercover as you to catch the serial killer who wants to kill you. Now walk me through a day in the life."

"I wake up, shower, get dressed..."

"What do you normally wear?"

"Dark colors, skinny jeans, turtlenecks."

"Then what?"

"I make myself toast and coffee, two creamers, two sugars," She continues. "I feed Ginevra, then I leave for work. I don't own a car so I walk. It's only a few blocks away. I open up the shop at 9am and just try and help as many customers as I can along with tasks to keep me busy around the store. I stay there till 6pm, then leave. I walk back home and feed Ginevra dinner then myself dinner which is whatever is in the fridge. The rest of the night is either watching movies or scouring the internet for up and coming authors to feature in my store. I go to sleep at 10pm. Repeat it all the next day."

"Friends?" I ask.

"I don't talk to them a lot," She admits. "But every Saturday night we go out for cocktails. Sunday's I don't work, the shop is closed."

"Thank you," I tell her and stand up.

"Be careful," She says before I can leave. I turn towards her to see that she was scared. "I don't want to know that you died just to protect me."

"I will be careful," I tell her then leave the room. Hotch stood there along with the rest of the team. "I'm ready."

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