Chapter Five

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Spencer's POV

I sat in the office waiting for Anastasia's call to inform us she made it to the house. It's been an hour and I should've gotten a call by now. Hotch and the others walk into the room, but I don't look up at them.

"She still hasn't called," I tell them.

"The officers who dropped her off just got back," Hotch says. "She should've called by now."

"Something's wrong," I say and stand up, running my hands through my hair.

"JJ and Prentiss, go to the apartment see if she's there," Hotch orders. "The rest of us will stay here and figure out who this unsub is. Get Garcia on the line."

I call her from the phone on the table and put it on speaker.

"What can I help today my dumplings?" Garcia asks cheerfully.

"The unsub is someone experienced in medicine," I start as I sit back down and look down at all the case files. "Give me a list of everyone in NYC with a medical license."

"That's a big number, boy wonder," Garcia says. "You're gonna need to narrow it down."

"Most men who attack women's genitals are homosexual, run that," I tell her.

"Down to about a fourth of what is was before," She says and I run my hands over my face.

"Age range between 25-35," Hotch says and I nod not looking up.

"I have 34 names," Garcia says and I stand up frustrated.

"This man would have come from a family where he was raised by a domineering mother and weak, passive or even absent father," Morgan says and I nod while pacing back and forth. "He might work with a medical license but he likes to be alone."

My mind was running wild at the thought of this unsub with Anastasia. In old reports, the coroners couldn't tell if Mary Jane Kelly was sexually abused or not, but most signs pointed to yes. I couldn't even think about what was happening to her if she was caught.

"I have three names," Garcia says and I look at the phone as if it was her. "Bill Jobs... he can't be the unsub, he's in a wheelchair. Nathan Chapman... is a surgeon, but he just relocated to San Francisco. This leads us with Gregory Anderson... a physicians assistant at Lenox Hill Hospital. Lives alone, his mom was an alcoholic and his father left him when he was ten."

"We need an address," I tell her.

"His apartment is very exclusive, but he owns a building a few blocks away," Garcia says. "Secluded and perfect for torture time. The address has just been sent to your phones."

I hang up the phone and we all put on our vests before leaving the building. On our way Rossi had gotten a call from JJ. Anastasia never even got to the front door, her purse was on the front porch, meaning she didn't have her firearm. I rub my hands into my face.

"Reid, it's okay," Rossi says. "We found him, she'll be back in your arms in no time."

"In 1888, Mary Jane Kelly was mutilated and raped in the time she was held," I tell them. "I have no idea what's happening to Anastasia right now, I just hope she's okay."

"No matter what happens," Hotch says. "We will catch this bastard."

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