Chapter Seven

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Early Morning The Next Day

Spencer's POV

I sat in the waiting room in between JJ and Morgan; Prentiss, Rossi, and Hotch all sat on the opposite side of the waiting room. The doors open and I turn back to see Penelope rush into the room. Hotch had he get here as fast as she could. I stand up and pull her into a hug.

"How are you?" She asks me and I nod my head.

"I could be better, but she's safe and that's all that matters to me," I tell her and we take a seat, her next to Morgan. Just as I sat down the doctor walks in, his hair cap and mask still on. I quickly stand back up and rush over to him, everyone else stands a few feet behind me.

"Spencer Reid?" He asks and I nod. "Anastasia did very well throughout the surgery. She is currently waking up if you'd like to see her."

"And what about..." I trail off stopping him from walking away. He smiles at me, knowing what I was referencing and I smile back at him. He walks away and I turn to the others with the widest grin on my face.

"What was that all about?" Penelope asks.

"Anastasia is pregnant!" I exclaim and everyone cheers for me. Penelope was the first to tackle me into a hug. Morgan was next and then everyone else.

"Go be with her," Hotch tells me as I hug him last. I pull away to see him smiling. "Go!"

Anastasia's POV

A knock on the door wake me out of my slumber. I turn my head to see the shaggy head of hair I fell in love with. Smiling at him, he walks in holding his hands in front of him. Before he reached me, he waved his hands and a bouquet of lilies appeared.

"How do you do that?" I laugh as he hands them to me.

"A magician never tells his secrets," He tells me and gives me a sweet kiss on my cheek whilst sitting down. "How are you?"

"I feel..." I trail off thinking about what was really going on inside of me. "I feel like, through everything that just happened, I'm doing okay. I was so scared when I was lying on that table, but the only thing that got me through any of it was when I was passed out and dreaming of you. When I would wake up, I knew that no matter what he did to me you would save me."

"If only I got there sooner." He looks down shaking his head. "I am so so sorry, Anastasia."

"It is not your fault," I tell him and make him look up at me. "You saved my life and I know you did everything in your power to find me. Don't you ever think this was your fault."

"I can't wait to marry you," He says with tears in his eyes and kisses me passionately.

"Maybe we should just elope," I laugh when he pulls away.

"Uh! No!" Penelope's voice pops in. "As Maid of Honor, I am not allowing you to do that. No eloping!"

"Penelope!" I shout and embrace her in a hug. "I am so happy to see you!"

"I am glad you're okay," She says and pulls away. "Okay, but literally nobody told me you went undercover then ended up being captured!"

"There was good reason," JJ says and I nod my head in agreement.

"I didn't want you to know," I tell her and she looks at me shocked. Tears well in my eyes as I start to explain. "I didn't want you to get mad at me for putting myself in danger. Because I knew you would've guilt me with the wedding and I would have backed out and I couldn't do that to that girl."

Penelope embraces me into a hug as I cry into her shoulder.

"I probably would have guilted you with the wedding, but I will not, and neither will you, blame you for what happened." She pulls away and wipes my tears. "You are my best friend in the whole world... Besides chocolate thunder over there."

We all laugh and I turn to look at Morgan. I feel the waterworks start to come back and he holds up his hand.

"Don't you dare cry," He tells me, but his voice chocked so I knew he was going to cry if I did.

"Come here!" I demand and he sits on the bed and gives me a hug. I wrap my arms tightly around his neck, while he barely touches me in the fear of hurting me. "I love you, Derek Morgan."

"I love you too, Tasie Grosso," He tells me and pulls away. He takes hold of my hands and I watch as a tear falls from one of his eyes. "You're the strongest woman I know."

I wipe away his tear and he gets up. Rossi is the next to hug me, whispering to me that he was already planning a trust fund for my baby. Prentiss is next in line and then was Hotch who hugged me tightly. JJ then takes a seat and I take hold of her hand.

"I know it's early, and everyone kind just found out," I start and look at Spencer. He knew exactly what I was about to ask.

"JJ," He starts and she looks between us suspiciously. "Will you be the Godmother?"

She looks at me her eyes wide, but my smile was wider.

"Yes!" She exclaims and gives me a huge hug before pulling Spencer into the hug as well. "You guys are going to be amazing parents."

She pulls away and I look at everyone around me. These were all the people I needed in my life. These were the people who kept me going.

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