Chapter Four

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That Evening

I changed into a maroon and black stripped turtleneck and black skinny jeans. My hair was down and I was doing everything I could to become Mary Jane Kelly. I walked out of the bathroom and was greeted by the team. Spencer helped me into a black trench coat and JJ handed me a purse.

"This is hers," Hotch says. "It has her identification and everything she would normally carry. Except your gun is in it, so try not bring it out unless absolutely necessary."

"Thank you," I tell him as I drape it over my arm.

"You're going to need to get rid of that," Hotch says and points at my hand. I look down to see the engagement ring sitting there on my finger.

"Right," I say and slip it off my finger. I turn to Spencer to he face is mournful. "Hey, it's going to be okay. You'll get him before he can get to me."

"I know," He says. "I just hate the fact that you're giving me the ring back."

"Just keep it safe for me," I tell him and he shoves the ring into the tiny pocket of his jeans. "I love you."

"I love you too," He says and kisses my forehead. "Now go be a badass."

I giggle before being escorted out by the same officers who escorted Mary Jane in. I'm put into the back of a police cruiser and they take me to her apartment. I get out and they drive off as I walk up the steps. I push my hair behind my ear as I search the purse for the keys. Finding them I stumble just as instructed and drop them on the ground. I pick them up and in a few short seconds, I pinned up against the door, a gloved hand over my mouth.

"Hello, Mary Jane Kelly," a deep voice says. "I've waited a long time for you."


I woke up, my head throbbing but I couldn't bring my hand up to hold it. The room was cold and humid, which made the hairs in my arm freeze, but I was sweating.

Opening my eyes, I look down to see that I was in nothing but my underwear and all my limbs were sprawled out and tied down. I tug on them, knowing it would do nothing but agitate the unsub.

"Hello?" I shout into the darkness. Above me a bright yellow light flickers on. It was too bright for me to see anything but the light beaming onto me.

"Good, you're awake," a voice says ominously. "I thought I had killed you when I hit you."

"You hit me?" I ask confused. The other girls weren't hit. "Why don't I remember you hitting me?"

"I did it pretty hard," He says. "Among other things that are going to be done to you."

"What do you mean?" I ask starting to get terrified.

"Just relax," He tries to soothe me as I struggle against the binds.

His hands grab my ankles roughly before he drags them up my legs softly, almost tenderly. Tears cloud my eyes as I try to disassociate like I was taught, but I couldn't knowing what was about to happen to me. He grips my thighs as I hear him climb onto the table. I try to scoot farther away from him, but he just climbs so he's on top of me, I could see him face. Jet black hair was slicked back and his eyes were as blue as a bruise.

"Now I need you to scream for me," He whisper vilely into my ear as I heard him undo his pants.

"Never," I tell him and spit in his face. He sits up so he was straddling me and wipes the spit from his cheek.

"You're going to pay for that," He sneers and a look of pure rage crosses over his face. He undoes his pants faster before ripping off my underwear and inserting himself inside of me.

I scream at the top of my lungs from the pain, unable to contain myself. I turn my head to the side away from him, so I didn't have to look at his disgusting face while he violated me. I shut my eyes tighter so that tears wouldn't stream down my face so fast. I feel a sharp pain in my neck and realize he was biting me, he wanted to mark me.

From all the different forms of pain I was feeling, both physical and mental, darkness takes over and I pass out.

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