Chapter Six

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Anastasia's POV

My eyes adjust to the bright light overhead, but they start to cloud up once I remember what happened to me. A dull pain ached in my lower abdomen and inner thighs as I lied there and cried. I just wanted to curl into a ball but I was stuck being sprawled out in the open. I lift my head to see he had put on a fresh pair of underwear on me. A fantasy of his must have been to rip them off. I also noticed specks of blood on my thighs and I slam my head down onto the table.

Hearing footsteps to my right, I turn my head and see him there with a jagged knife in hand.

"Please, don't," I beg him, my voice shaking.

He leans down next to my face and drags the knife across my cheek, not cutting me but letting the cold of the blade sting against my skin. He then nicks my neck and I flinch away from him.

"Let's have some fun," He says and starts to roam his free hand over my bare body. I whimper as he keeps the knife up against my neck while caresses my body with the other.

Spencer's POV

"Can we go any faster?" Rossi asks. Hotch shakes his head as he steps on the gas.

I look down at the engagement ring in my hands and tears well in my eyes, but I keep them at bay not wanting to think the worst just yet. I shove the engagement ring back in my pocket once we pull down a secluded road, JJ and Prentiss were right behind us. Hotch parks the car and we all get out with our guns at the ready. Hotch tells us all where to go and we follow his orders.

Morgan and I went through the front entrance, going through the building entirely. Once figuring out that the whole place was empty I kick a stool.

"Hey, hey," Morgan says and I look over at him. "Hear that?"

I listen closely and hear the steps of someone below us.

"The basement."

Anastasia's POV

The man stood behind my head, the knife in line with my neck. There were people upstairs, hopefully my team, and it startled him. The door opens and I hear people walk in.

"Gregory Anderson," Morgan's voice says and I let out a sob. "We know what you've done."

"Then you know I had to do it," The man above me says. "Once I figured out that the canonical five were alive again, I knew what I had to do."

"We understand," Morgan says. "But you need to let her go. This Mary Jane isn't the Mary Jane of 1888."

"But I need to kill them all," He whisper and looks down at me. Looking back up at him I shake my head pleading him not to kill me. "I need to."

He lifted the knife above his head, but before it could come down a gunshot rang in the air making me scream. The man falls backward and I start to cry hysterically.

"Anastasia!" Spencer's voice says and I look through my tears to see his shaggy head of hair.

"Spencer!" I shout and watch him take his FBI vest off and his button up shirt before draping it over my body. Morgan undoes my binds and I sit up to be held by Spencer. I grab onto his white undershirt as tight as I could. "I was so scared you weren't going to find me."

"I will always find you," He whispers soothingly and I bawl even harder into his shoulder.

"We need a medic!" I hear Morgan shout upstairs as Spencer helps me into his shirt. He picks me up and brings me upstairs and outside before setting me on a gurney.

"You're bleeding," Spencer finally notices as he sets me down. The memories of only a few hours ago flash through my mind and I cover my face before crying. "Hey, hey, hey," He says and cradles my face. "It's going to be okay, we're going to get through this."

I'm lifted into the ambulance and Spencer follows in after me. He takes hold of my hand while the doors close and the medics get to work on hooking me up to a machine. I watch as Spencer's eyes drift to my chest where I knew he saw all the bruises. Tears well in my eyes at the thought of him thinking I was now damaged. He looks back up into my eyes and sees the tears forming. He shakes his head knowing exactly what I was thinking before kissing my hand.

"Ma'am," A medic says and I look at her. "I need to ask, do you know why you are bleeding?"

"He..." I trail off, my lip quivering at the thought of saying it aloud.

"You don't need to explain," She tells me and I nod thankful. "You're stable for now, but once we get to the hospital, you are going to have to go through an operation to fix what he did. He tore through your cervix, we need to repair it. I need to ask, are you pregnant?"

I turn to Spencer and once he realizes what my silence means a tear falls from his eye.

"Yes," I tell her. "I don't know how far along, I just took a test yesterday."

"I want you to know," She starts to explain. "Even though your cervix is torn and you just went through a traumatic experience, you do not show signs of a miscarriage."

"Oh, my god," I whisper and turn back to Spencer with a small smile. "We're going to have a baby."

He starts to cry tears of joy right as the ambulance stops. We all get out and he holds my hand all the way to doors where he couldn't pass through.

"I love you so much, Anastasia." Spencer kisses my lips softly.

"I love you too, Spencer," I tell him before being rolled through the doors and away from him.

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