CHAPTER 2 meeting Honey-senpai

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Shigemi POV

I put my head phones around my neck and looked around to see if they had sent anyone to come get us. Hiromi pointed to a man with a sign that read Hoga twins. I looked at Hiromi and nodded we pulled our hats over our new short hair. It was really short now and we looked like a male. We had met a little girl with cancer and she loved our hair. She had a friend who had cancer too. So we cut our hair and had wigs made for them. They loved it. Their mother thanked us several time with tears in her eyes. Surprised that girls who barely knew them had done something so big. I smiled at the memory. We approached the mans and showed him our IDs he nodded and led us back to a limo. We scowled and shook our heads.

"Address." I say.

"Ma'am I'm suppose to take you back."the guy said nervously.

"Fine." Hiromi says. And climbs into the car nervously. I follow her and scowl.

~~~time skip from your favorite lotia boy~~~

We pulled up to a mansion and we were unfazed. Our father had owned a huge game company and our mother owned a fashion line and restaurants.

"Has our stuff arrived?" We ask.

"Yes all the boxes are in your rooms and your vehicles are in the garage." The man said.

"They better not have scratched my baby." I mutter under my breath.

We head inside and a little kid runs up to us.

"Hi are you guys my cousins?" He ask.

"I suppose you are Mitsukuni." We say.

"I go by Honey-senpai." He says smiling.

Hiromi crouches down to his size and looks him in the eye.

"So honey how much do you know about us?" She says.

"Not much just that you guys are from America and are girls." He says hugging his bunny.

I smile and say"we will keep it at that but just refer to us as males."

A man comes around the corner and looks around rapidly.

"Mitsukuni you can't run off like that" he says.

I look him over and see he is taller then both of us and well built. From the way he is dressed I assume he comes from a wealthy family. Maybe a Morinozuka. I heard we were related to them. He notices us and pulls Honey back.

"It's okay Mori they are my cousins from America." Honey says smiling.

We grin at the kid and I pop a mystery dum dum into my mouth. The only difference is I have a huge sweet tooth and love my car. While Hiromi will eat a sweet only if needed and can't tell the difference between a ford and dodge.

"Your uncle has been waiting for you two." A maid said. We nodded and followed her.

"You two look so much like your mother." He says.

We arch a eyebrow at him.

"That's hard to believe. In fact I think we take after our father more, and I have a question why did my mother never mention you?" We said at the same time.

"Your mother and me never got along well. She hated martial arts, and kendo, almost everything this family has practiced for centuries." He said.

"She just doesn't like violence. Never has." We say.

"You gir-" he says before we cut him off.

"We cut our hair for a reason. I'd rather not be seen as a weak girl." I say.

"Okay well you guys will be going to Ouran with Morinozuka."

Hiromi nodded and we leave and go to our room. Sure enough there are boxes waiting to be unpacked. I grab one marked clothing and open it.

"What do you wanna take?" Hiromi ask.

"You can pick." I say and pull out a huge hoodie and pajama shorts and put them on.

"French, physics, math, World history, no PE, study hall, and art and drama." Hiromi says circling the classes we are taking.

"Let's go give this to him and then come back and sleep okay?" Hiromi says. I nod and follow her back to his study and we give him the papers.

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