Chapter 11 Twins fight part three.

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Can we take a moment to appreciate Tamaki he refers to the twins as Pedophile and Kyoya! :D
Hitaru POV
"We should practice." Shigemi says with a smile.
"What should we practice." I ask feeling myself getting lost in those mesmerizing playful black eyes.
"The play ya big goof" she says smacking my arm lightly.
"Aww I was hoping we could practice something else." I say suggestively.
"Na let's save that for the fan girls." She say getting up.
" Aww." I groan laying back on the bed.
I hear giggles and feel something more like someone sit on my groin and start kissing my neck.
"We need to practice we have to preform in two days." She whispers in my ear.
~~~~~Time skip to next day~~~~~
The next day at school me and Shigemi are hanging out with Haruhi. She was sitting at her desk while I was sitting on it with Shigemi on my lap and the girls are loving it. Shigemi and me are trying to make the girls have heart attacks because she is sucking on a lollipop and she occasionally stops to let me have a lick while she kisses my neck. It's not uncommon for us to do this we did it all the time back home to aggravate the kids at our school.
So far five girls have fainted while two have nose bleeds. And a few are taking pictures.
"Hey you guys." We turn and see Hitaru with flaming pink hair.
Shigemi jumps off my lap and throws her arm around his shoulders and ask" what ya do to your hair?" She ask.
"Why is it pink?" I ask.
"Because pink suits me and I don't want to be mistaken for that idiot Kauro." He says.
"Hitaru be nice to your brother." Shigemi says before whispering something in his ear that turns him bright pink.
"There your face matches you hair." I add.
Shigemi pops her lollipop back in her mouth with a smug grin. Hitaru reaches over and takes it out of his mouth and puts it in his own. Before we can say anything Kauro walks in with blue hair.
"Suits you." I say before turning back and seeing Shigemi pulling the lollipop out of Hitaru's mouth and it still has a string of saliva between his mouth and the lollipop when Shigemi pops it into her mouth. Now this sends the girls overboard.
"Class calm down so I can begin." The teacher says as every one gets in their seats.
"As you know tommorow is the presentation so I expect you all to be ready." The teacher drones on.
~~~time skip cause I'm lazy~~~
Me and Shigemi were running down the hall hoping not to be late once we reach it we crack it open and hear
"I'm sick and tired of constantly being mistaken for you, Kaoru! The truth is I hate your guts!"
I feel Shigemi stiffen beside me and I turn and see her crying silently.
"Go to music room one." I whisper.
As she scampers off I push the doors open my blood boiling.
"You idiots can't keep your damn mouth' shut can you." I bellow.
"What happened to Shigemi?" Hitaru ask nervously.
"Shigemi is to busy crying over a stupid feud you idiots decided to have. Have you even considered how everyone else is feeling oh wait you can't because your heads are to far up you asses to think so think before you speak!" I scream in their faces before storming out.
Kyoya POV
I didn't expect that from Hiromi she is the calmer one however.
"The only family they have left is honey-Senpai's family." I say polishing my glasses.
"What do you mean." Haruhi ask.
"Their parents died in a car crash a week before they moved here. During that week they chopped off their hair and donated it to locks for love." I say pulling out pictures of them before the crash.
"They were perfect students in America and played multiple sports and were what you would deem popular." I add.
"My poor little babies." Tamaki mutters.
"However despite their perfect appearance. They both suffer from mild depression and ADHD and anxiety." I closing my book again.

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