It's been two days. I'm better today, though not quite well all the way yet. But I'm well enough for wanting more than sleep, food and occastionally a toilet visit. And what's most frustrating is that it's a world meeting today and that means:

- I won't get to see my other friends from far away for about another two months or so, which is sad. I'd like to see them again after over a month of not hearing a much from them. Oh well. I can always text them or something, but that's not the same...

- Dogs are staying at Uncle Prussia's until I'm all good, since dads would have no time for them now. I still have Mitzi, though! (Mitzi and Uncle Prussia don't get along too well...she tried to catch Gilbird several times, so he lightly hit her like you'd do with a dog when saying "No! Bad!" but she's a cat, so... it's really a Scabbers-Crookshanks situation, except they aren't wizards or have any magical far as I know.)

- Dads are gone! 


And I'm bored! I've read Das doppelte Lotchen way too many times. And watched Disney movies too much - my head hurt even more.

Although now it's better. But for how long? And at what price? I feel like a goddamn Brit drinking this much herb tea. Nothing against tea tho (or Brits, for that matter.) And, as they say, "There's no such thing as enough tea." Or, that's what George says. And then he proceeds to slurp an oyster.

Oysters in tea. 


No really. One time he walked in a world meeting with a bucket of these things. They were fresh and he shared, so I tried wasn't as bad as I expected, but still wasn't what I personally would call a delicacy. (Oyster lovers, please don't hurt me, it's just my opinion.)

I miss my "squad", as Ashleigh calls us, and gets roasted in several languages. Even George's complicated own language - he represents the La Manche channel, as I said earlier, but also Brittany, a north-western peninsula of France which was its own for a long time. Until the french King married Duchess Anne of Brittany, I think. But it still has its own language.

Also he's Gaelic, so that's why he gets on so well with Mr Scotland. (No really. One time they brought frickin bagpipes to a meeting - gotta admit they were really nicely synchronised. England was quacking, France was confused and Ireland was dancing.)

Also, he used to be a pirate. And a good pirate at that. Everyone's like "Oh shoot, pirate England!" and "Pirate Spain!" that they forget pirate Brittany.  Like ???

George is so proud of that, too! (That's partially why he's described as "pretty nice I guess" by Gabriel. That, plus the fact that they have a club literally called "Our dads are drinking together again".)

And he is nice. And polite. Most of the time. He is capable of roasting someone, as he's literally "the Savage coast" and he likes climbing trees. Also, he's got the magic, magic, oooh, magic, magic, oooh.

I'm still bored. What could I do?

And then I got an idea.


You see, the nations have a group chat originally created for planning and asking each other some information they forgot at meetings and such, but it turned into chaos with America and Russia trading memes, Vati occastionally sending pictures of our pets, England and France having heated arguments, Spain spamming with "his little tomatoes <3", Japan creating fanart for Hungary's fanfictions, Netherlands looking for weed, Poland giving advice on eyeliner and the Nordics talking about how did Sweden and Finland's date go. I secretly read the last ones, I admit.

Anyway, so they have this chat. But only the nations are allowed there, not even the micro ones. (Sealand was complaining a whole lot before they got their own chat for micronations only.)

So I only got a glimpse of what was happening there when Papa let me use his phone or showed me a picture "Awww! Spain sent a picture of sleeping Fratello cuddling with Gabi! That's adorable, look!". (Or when he forgot to log out.)

I brough dads' laptop in bed and soon I was on Papa's profile. Did he forget to log out again?

Password required

Aw, darn, he didn't.


Wrong password


Wrong password

After trying a different versions of "Pasta" and 30 minutes of blocked access, I had to accept it's probably not it.

So I tried the randomest things that came to mind.


Password accepted

From the diary of Griselda Vargas-BeilschmidtWhere stories live. Discover now