"I should've brought a camera!"

I agree with Fred. It's not every day you see Mr England throwing France across the room and into a wall with Mrs Hungary screeching "I SHIP ITTTTTTTTT" so loud it could be heard within 5 kilometers radius and Mr Austria looking absolutely horrified (and Japan silently burning each detail into his memory so he could redraw it as manga later).

"Whoa," Ashleigh sighed.

"Oh chéri," George chimed in "if only you knew what I have to witness every day." Then he wiggled his eyebrows (which, mind you, looked freaking terrifying).

Ashleigh spit out her coffee.

Wow. It went down faster than I expected. And that says a lot.

Since we aren't.. Well, nations (I don't count the micronations now - they have their own club) or are under someone's rule, we mostly aren't allowed to the meeting room, which is unfair, but that's life. We mostly talk or play some games. One time we played Twister and Faroe somehow managed to break his wrist. What a pro.

So nine minutes and about 27 seconds in and we heard a scream of "DIE, THOU FOUL BEAST!!" Ash immedietally jumped to open the door just in time for us to see a flash of blue colliding with a wall, sending french curses towards the source of the yell. And the rest is history (well-known, I learned it means).


"Whoa England! Calm down, dude!"

"England, you're scaring the flying mint bunnies!"

"Tohle jsem nemyslela, když jsem říkala, abyste do toho praštili!" ["This isn't what I meant when I said for you to punch it (=get married)!"]

"I mean, who didn't see something like that coming?"


Those voices were barely audible through Mrs Hungary's continued screech.

And then Hungary apparently finally, finally, ran out of breath. There was a moment of silence for the poor abused wall.

"So can we continue?" Vati asked. The nations started nodding and sitting back down, with France still muttering something under his breath. George was grinning.

Crisis averted.

"Big sister?" Sealand turned to Anni "why did Hungary say 'ship it'?"

"Si, what does it mean?" I joined, confused.

"Uhhhhhhh," she said, looking really uncomfortable with the topic, "Well, from what I learned from my long friendship with Ash it means-"

"It means you want certain people to be or stay in a relationship." Ashleigh retorted.

"Oooooooh," said Sealand with a grin. "I get it now! Can I ship Papa Sweden and Mama Finland?"

"Honey, we all do," answered the American smoothly. And honestly.

Ladonia gagged and grimaced. Anni lightly slapped his head. Sibling love.

"My kneecap is dying."

Yup, we ended up playing Twister again.

"Hold on, bro! You can do it!" Faroe supported his brother Greenland, who was in a really uncomfortable position that I'll leave up to your imagination to imagine (wow. English) because I'm too lazy to describe it.

We were divided between three pads so we could all fit there. Sealand and Ladonia were playing too, since no one else from their club showed up.

"Left foot yellow," announced Uncle Prussia, who was spinning the pointer because he got kicked out of the meeting again. This time for "acting inappropriately", which is just a fancy way to say he was annoying the nations too much. ("They can't handle my awesomeness!")

"ShitshitshitshitshitshitshitshitshitshitshitshITSHITSHITSHITSHIIIIIIIIT!" Ashleigh yelled as she couldn't take the pressure anymore and fell, taking Ladonia, Gabe and Faroe in the process.

"HIJO DE PUTA!" yells Gabe.

"Language!" I yell back.

"Yeah, watch your profanity!" Ash joins.

"FUCK YOU!" he responds.

"Gab-" George tries to intervene.


Everyone looked up to see a furious Balearian trying to not kill the one who made him and his team lose.

"...maaaybe we should take a break..." Lars suggests.

"And get away, run away with us for the summer, let's go upstate.." the American girl starts to sing, then lights up.

"That's it! We can go on a tour! I can show you around!"

"Uh, are you sure-"

"Yes, I'm fucking sure! Everyone, pee and take some money with you, but like, not that much in case you get robbed or some shit and we'll meet again here in about," she glances at the clock "ten minutes? Alright?"

"Don't we need an adult with us?" Ingrid makes a fair point.

"Don't worry! You have the awesome me!" Uncle Prussia announces, happy to have something to do.

"That's what I'm worrying abo-" Ingrid is about to continue, but Fred interrupts with a "Okay, let's go!". The others shrug and flee to do as Ash said.

Well this is going to be interesting. 


Btw imagine United states yelling "YEEEET!" when England threw France. 

Also, Czech Republic gets mentioned! :D (honestly, we ARE IN EUROPE AND NO LONGER CZECHOSLOVAKIA! Thank you.)

And I imagine Prussia getting constantly kicked out of the meetings because he annoys Germany too much, like, it's a very common occurance.

The one worrying over flying mint bunnies was Romania because Romania is amazing and underrated. 

Up next: Gilbird messing around, basically

From the diary of Griselda Vargas-BeilschmidtWhere stories live. Discover now