The actual November 30th was after the Thanksgiving day for the Americans, so Fred's birthday are being celebrated today! Me, dads and Uncle Prussia arrived the earliest, because Uncle wouldn't stop clapping his hands at us in a 'hurry-the-hell-up!' gesture, and honestly, I was really looking forward to celebrating with my cousin for the first time after I even got to know he is my cousin. I'm bringing him a loooot of cheeses, as he asked, and I also made him a birthday card.

Uncle Canada welcomes us alone, because Fred was still brushing his teeth, apparently only got up a while ago.

"Tschüs," he waved at us from the bathroom, toothbrush in mouth and hair disheveled, it kinda looked like a really, really messy halo. So meanwhile we were waiting for him to get ready for guests, we caught up on all that's happened since Halloween. It wasn't very interesting things - Fred making a school project, having hockey practices and little else. What changed, though, was the way Uncle Prussia sat next to Canada, half-hugging him. Just his many times had he wanted to do that and couldn't? I didn't ask, but I think it was a lot. I'm glad he doesen't have to hold back, even though sometimes a little holding back would be appreciated. I. Don't. Need. To. See. My Uncles. Kissing. Like. It's the end of the world. Holy pasta lord.

"Keep it PG," Fred, who's just entering the living room, comments, and sits down next to me with a disgusted face. Uncle Prussia flashes him a look saying 'hell-yeah-my-relative-is-a-sassy-little-shit' and goes back to doing what he was doing before. Or, he would, but Uncle Canada stops him, because his face is already redder than his Canadian flag hoodie. Speaking of which, Fred, surprisingly, isn't wearing one. this the end of the world?! Is this apocalypse?!?

"Nein," Fred shrugs "Gabriel told me to not wear one today", so he chose to go with a blue shirt with a white snowflake pattern instead.  "I didn't ask why, it seemed important."

Speak of the devil- or, in this case, demon, he's the next one to show up.

"Happy birthday, maplefucker," he greets as he shoves a middle sized, neatly wrapped up (Uncle Spain definitely helped with that), soft present on Fred's chest and marches inside.

"Huh?" Uncle Prussia calls from the living room. "You called me??"

There's a moment of silence, then Fred, Uncles Spain and Romano and Papa burst out laughing while Vati and Uncle Canada are covering their blushing faces, Gabriel shakes his head, but with a large grin on his face, and I... I'm not sure I understand.

I don't have much time to contemplate this, because soon after the laughter dies down a bit, there's a new ring and this time, France and George walk inside.

France hugs Fred, but he growls in warning when he comes too close to his face for his liking. "If you kiss me, I'll rip your oh so pretty coat." That gets France to laugh awkwardly and pat Fred's head instead, then rush into the living room, and quick shuffling can be heard as Uncle Prussia gets up from Canada's lap to not get yelled at by France, because bro or not, that's France's son he's kissing.

George shakes his head fondly as he, too, gets a present from his bag (this time I'm sure he wrapped it so neatly by himself), which has a flat, square shape, like a framed painting or a picture, but is also rather small. "Joyeux anniversaire," he hands it to Fred with a small smile. "I also have to say, both me and Gabriel worked on both of these gifts together."

"Whatever, Browy," Gabi scoffs. "But it was my idea!" George sighs. "Yes yes, it was, I admit. Though I did help quite a lot." Fred grins. "Thanks, guys!" he says with with the biggest, genuinest smile I've seen on him for quite some time. George comes to hig him, and I do too, pulling Gabe with me. After some cursing, he actually hugs us back.

"Anyway," George said as he stepped away from the hug after a while, "I'll check on Franny, so no murder happens while we're here, yes?"

"At least it would be more exciting," Gabe shrugs with a slight smile. George doesen't get far, though, because in the next second the bell on being rung so loudly I'm surprised it didn't break. Gabi's smile turns into a groan. "Aw shit, it's them!"

"WASSUP GUUUUUUUUUYS!!!" two very loud voices yell in unisonas George opens the door and the Americans barge in, squeezing all the air out of Fred and Spain him around like a rag doll.

"Freddiiiiiiiiieeeeeee! Happy b-day!!!" Ashleigh giggles, until her focus is elsewhere. "Georgiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeee!" she hugs him, then grabs him by the waist and spins him around.

"Woah, watch the cake!" Fred smacks her head as George is processing what's happening. And indeed, Uncle Canada is just coming from the kitchen with a hockey stick-shaped cake that looks delicious and quite a few eyes are following it in its path.

"Well, since we're all here now," Fred begins, takes a knife and holds it just above the cream, "we can..."

He doesen't get to finish.

Gilbird, whose been sitting on the armrest of the couch til now flies over, chirping, right in Fred's face. He's not pecking it, just kind of... cuddling? Uncle Prussia blinks, then starts laughing, and soon, all of us are.

After we calmed down again, Fred, uninterrupted by Gilbird this time, cut the cake, and we feasted, Fred and Gabi competing about who can chew faster. That competition, however, didn't last long, because both Canada and, surprisingly, Romano ended it when Gabe's cream-filled saliva stained the table. You should've seen France's look! Then they argued about who would've won for the rest of the feast. America yelled it would of course be him, much to the boys' disapproval. Then Uncles Prussia and Romano joined, and by then it was just the Prussians vs the Tomatoes. It ended on a draw, and intense glaring between Uncles Romano and Prussia for the rest of the visit.

Then came the presents.

I think he liked the cheeses. He did say so. Many times. And the card, too. So I'm happy! From Canada he got a brand new hockey stick, which he wanted to put to use immedietally, but Canada gave him the look, so he couldn't. From Prussia he got a new flute, on which he played the Canadian anthem. He looked so happy, there were tears in his eyes! And from France, moment of anticipation, some fancy designer shirt with a sign in french. Judging from his expression, Canada's giggles and France's smug face, it was something embarrasing. George said it fitted him, and Fred flipped him off. Then Gabe flipped Fred off. And then they were flipping each other off for five minutes before we could get them to stop.

"Alright, now let's get to the real shit!" Gabriel exclaimed, throwing the soft present at Fred. "If you don't like the picture, fuck you. It took me two hours! Two hours of my life I'll never get back!" The trio snickered at each other some more, before Fred Tore the wrapping paper with a Christmas pattern open, and stood still in astonishment.

"What is it, what is it?" I asked impatiently, so he spread it and we all saw a hoodie. But not any ordinary hoodie - this one had two black and one white stripe, along with thin red ones and the end of the sleeves and the collar.

And there was the Prussian eagle drawn on it, actually rather nicely to come from Gabi.

And there was silence. And Fred wept as he threw himself and his two friends. "That's the awesomest hoodie EVER!!! I love you guys!!" Gabi, who hugs awkwardly, patted his back, and George was caught between his girlfriend and his friend, so he wiggled to be comfortable.

"No homo tho," Ashleigh, bumped Fred's shoulder.

After he calmed down, Fred put the hoodie on and proclaimed he's never going to take it off. Ever. "Whatever," Gabe huffed, but it was clear he was happy.

The very last gift, the framed thing, turned out to be a framed map of some sort.

"Whaat?" Fred whispered as he narrowed his eyes to look closely. "What is this?" he turned the map to us, and it really looked like a plain map.

"It's you, dumbass!" Gabriel explained, which only made us more confused.

It was Canada who pointed at the right down corner sign. It read 'New Prussia, Ontario'.

And everyone lost their minds. The end.

From the diary of Griselda Vargas-BeilschmidtWhere stories live. Discover now