Sorry for the delay! It was supposed to be up on friday, but I didn't have wifi because we're on a holiday and the connection is weak...


"Ja, Kätzchen?"

"How are babies made?"

Germany choked on his drink and Griselda merely tilted her head innocently like a puppy. With her blonde hair and big eyes, she managed to pull that look rather well.

"W-well...," the man began after a few moments of uneasy silence, blushing and nervously fidgetting "you see," he cleared his throat "when two people love each other very much..."

"Like you love Papa?" the six-year-old perked up. That flustered Germany further.

"Like I love your Papa, ja," he admitted in a shy voice, looking away.

"Then what?" his daughter asked.

"Then... then they just... have a baby," Germany lied, not going to reveal anything beyond that.

"That's it?"

Germany made unidentifiable sound and unsurely nodded.

"And that's how was I born?"

"Mhmmmmmh, ja?" he made it sound like a question.

The truth be told, he remembered very clearly the day his girl appeared and flipped his world. He thought nothing will ever wipe that strong of a memory off. He closed his eyes and was there again.

"Germany? Ve? Germany? Ludwig?"

The called man opened his eyes blearily to find his beloved Italian sitting beside him, on the floor, eyes wide, expression shocked. Germany shot up, ready to lunge at any sort of danger that scared Feliciano, but upon further inspection saw no one. Feliciano's eyes travelled thought the room, leading his partner to the source of the shock. There was something peculiar in the corner of the bedroom, and it looked suspiciously like a-

"Feli? What's-" he furrowed his brows, but stopped. He heard it.

A soft whine, similar to something a puppy or a kitten would make, coming out of a cradle in the corner of their bedroom.

Feliciano didn't say anything. Ludwig didn't say anything. They exchanged glances and the latter got up from the bed and slowly approached the cradle. Before it he noticed laying some bags, filled with... baby clothes... and milk substitute for babies... and diapers.... do I need to describe further? It was all just weird as hell and Ludwig was actually thinking for a second Gilbert was playing some silly prank on the two of them, just to tease them about the fact they're a couple. But even he wouldn't invest this much money into a stupid joke, would he?

Feliciano shuffled behind Ludwig, peeking from behind his shoulder. Together they approached the cradle, called by the whining, bent over it and saw-

Saw a perfect little adorable baby with light hair. The baby was covered in a light blanket and currently crying.

What, for the love of God, is this?!

Feliciano did the first move. He moved closer, reached out and cupped the baby's pink cheek. The whining lowered in volume, and soon stopped wholly. The German also did as his Italian, and at that the baby opened its eyes.

The world stopped.

They were blue. Blue, like the sky, blue, like the forget-me-not flowers.

Blue like Germany's own.

From the diary of Griselda Vargas-BeilschmidtWhere stories live. Discover now