A giant green glowing spirit of a troll is sitting on my wardrobe, watching the unmoving potato on the ground and the door are broken down. A violet eyed boy is sitting on the opposite side of the room, quietly observing, seemingly not as stressed as expected. His sister is standing next to the wardrobe and yelling some norwegian curses at the creature. I'm next to the boy and probably looking like a clean sheet, with my naturally pale skin paling even more, and silently gaping.

Hi, my name is Griselda Vargas-Beilschmidt and welcome to jackass.

You probably wonder how did we get into this situation. Well it's a crazy story...

It began when Mr Denmark invited Vati for a drink, but he was babysitting his children that day because Norway was busy and so he brought them over with him. Not that I minded at all. I like them. Lars is nice to everyone and Ingrid.. seems to not hate me, at least. Or she doesen't express it out loud like Gabriel, but I know Gabriel doesen't mean it...

"Hej, Griselda!" Lars greeted.

"Ciao, Lars, Ingrid!"

"Griselda, why don't you take your friends to your room so me and Dänemark can discuss things?"

"Germany! I thought we were getting wasted!" Denmark whined.

You should've seen Vati's face. It said "I want to kill you so bad right now".

"Mood," Ingrid uttered (did she hear his thoughts?! Ohhh my god!), while Lars just pleaded "I know he's a dumbass sometimes but please don't invade him again..."


"Oh nothing," the female twin said coldly, slapping Lars' fluffy head.

"Veee, Germany, can I get wasted too?"

Ingrid lost it. Absolutely freaking lost it.

She started laughing so hard she snorted multiple times and wow, that's honestly the most emotion I've ever seen her express. Lars grabbed her and threw her over his shoulder. He'd be good with potatoes. I have to ask him to come help in the harvesting time.

"So, Griselda, where exactly is your room located?" he asked and when I pointed upstairs he went there with his sister still snoring and lightly punching his back.

Many minutes later when Ingrid finally, finally calmed down, we considered what to do. We talked for some time, me about my family and how Aster learned a new trick, them about theirs and polar bear mating rituals.

Also a thing: both of the twins took off some layers of clothing and were almost in their underwear by now, claiming it was "too hot". Pft, they should visit Gabe sometimes. It's clear they've got different opinions about temperatures.

"So," I asked after we ran out of topics "what do we do now?" Lars shrugged, but then brightened. "Oh, sis, you could show Gris the new trick!"

"What trick?" I was intrigued.

She looked uncomfortable. "It's nothing much... I don't think she'd want to see it, it's lame..."

"No it's not! It's amazing! Come on!" he cheered.

"Si, I'd really like to see it!" I joined.

"Um, okay," she whispered, brought her hands in front of her chest, palms up, and closed her eyes. Slowly, a small but bright white light started to emit from her palms like a flashlight. It was really cool.

"Wow! That's so pretty!"

"S-Shut up," she blushed. Oh hey, after years she finally shows emotion! I didn't even know she was capable of it!

"See!" her blonde brother (wait. We're all blondes here. Maybe we should make a club! With Fred and George, too! And Anni of course! Though Georges hair colour is more bordering on grey and Freds is extremely light. But that still does count as blonde, no?)

"Can you do anything else?" I asked, wanting to see more of this magic.

"Oh, well, um, I can, but I'm not really good at it..."

"I'm nOt rEaLLy gOoD aT iT," Lars argued and Ingrid looked so annoyed.

"Alright, alright. I guess there's a few more things I can do," she gave in.

The little witch turned some water into ice and back again. She also grew her nails a tiny bit and made some swirls of light. "You see, it's not really useful..."

But hey! It was magic!

"It's awesome! What else can you do?"

"Ummm, I also can hear particularly loud thoughts when I concentrate enough and see and hear magical beings, of course." I didn't ask what she meant by "particularly loud thoughts", I think I know.

"Magical beings?! What magical beings?!"

"Trolls," she shrugged "and goblins. Englands mint bunnies. Fairies. I even met a unicorn one time.."

"You did??" I'm sure I had stars in my eyes by now. "I'm so jealous!" I exclaimed dramatically, hand on my forehead. The Norwegian merely rolled her eyes.

"I know right!" Lars joined with a grin "I tell her all the time! It's so unfair she got to have magic and I didn't!" he said, but there was no malice in his tone. He got a light punch in the shoulder anyway.

"So how do trolls look like?" I asked. And that's when it went down.

We tried to summon a troll, which worked, but then it got scared of the potato we placed for it as a sacrifice, so now we're here.

Ingrid finally managed to get the green spirit to return to whatever place do trolls go to. She looked exhausted, painting hard and sweating.

"I think we should go now," Lars suggested and she weakly nodded. I couldn't agree more, Ingrid looked like she needed some hot beverage and a lot of sleep.

"Dad? You're not drunk yet, are you?" the boy called downstairs.

"....no? Why?" Denmark sounded concerned.

"Long story, we should be heading back now..."

Footsteps on the stairs. "What happened?" Then he took one glance at his daughter and understood.

"Okay, Germany, thanks for having us! Bye!"

You could hear a faint "Put me down! I don't need carrying!!" from their direction as they walked away.

"Griselda? What happened? Why are the door broken down?"

I'm sure my thoughts were very loud at that moment.

From the diary of Griselda Vargas-BeilschmidtWhere stories live. Discover now