Chapter 1

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Senior year, I thought as I parked my car in the student parking lot and stepped out, can't believe it's finally here. "Stephanie," I heard a voice a few feet away from me call and also the sound of running feet. "Elizabeth," I called in reply when I saw my best friend since kindergarten come running up to me. "Oh my God," she said as she collided with me and gave me a massive hug which I happily returned, "I haven't seen you all summer! Where the hell were you hiding?!" "It's called camp," I said laughing as she wrapped her arm around me and I wrapped mine around her, "told you I was going to a drama camp for the whole summer because this year I'm spending most of my time focusing on drama class." "Yeah that's right," she said tapping the index finger on her free hand to her head, "I remember now."

I laughed and shook my head at her. This was why we were the best of friends. She was completely crazy, just like I was on my good days. "So who do you have first this year," she asked as we walked to our seats in Homeroom after getting our schedules off the front desk. "Um," I said looking down at the list of teachers and their subjects, "looks like Mr. Martin with Science. Wonderful. What about you?" "Mr. Flanery with Health," she said with a smile. "Oh God Liz, please tell me you're not still crushing over him," I said as I looked at her. Mr. Flanery was a good looking man, don't get me wrong but it was so wrong for a teacher and a student to even have a romantic relationship. "I can't tell you that because I still am," she said with her smile still on her face. I groaned as other students in our homeroom class walked in and collected their schedules just as the bell rang and we all scattered, headed to our first period classes to start senior year.

Liz and I went our separate ways after exiting out of Homeroom and wouldn't be meeting up until third period when we both had Drama. I was waving bye to Liz and not watching where I was going when I bumped into a hard body in front of me. I waited for the fall to come but it never happened, instead I felt a pair of arms wrap around me and keep me from falling. "I'm so, so sorry," I said in a hurry as I straightened myself up and looked up to meet a pair of beautiful blue eyes, "I, uh, I wasn't watching where I was going." "It's okay," he said smiling down at me as he removed his arms and walked around me and continued walking down the hall in the direction I had come from. I stood there for a second, watching the man I had never seen here in the past three years walk away, and as I continued to stare, he turned his head and looked back smiling at me.

I felt a blush creep up and warm my cheeks and quickly turned away, running the rest of the way to Mr. Martin's room for Science. Sitting in his class, I zoned out as he started talking about the same start of the year speech he probably knew by heart now. I started drawing random doodles on the notebook paper I brought from home for today in case I had to take any notes. My wavy brown hair was falling down like a curtain around my face as I kept my head down, ignoring Mr. Martin completely. Everyone at school, including just about all the teachers, knew I only liked focusing on Drama. Thankfully, I didn't get called on in class and it passed by fast enough. Same with Math too. Mrs. Harper just passed out our syllabus and text books and told us to work on the first ten problems in the book as a practice and warm up for the new school year. Finally the bell rang signaling the end of that period and I could finally escape to Drama, but first I had to make a pit stop and drop off my Math and Science text books.

"Hey did you hear," Liz said walking, more like running, up behind me said. "Hear what," I asked turning around from in front of my locker to look at her. "We got a new Drama teacher," she said grinning from ear to ear, "and I hear he's hella sexy and available." Great, new teacher on first day of school the same year I'm a teacher's aid. "What's wrong," she asked after a couple of minutes when I didn't seem as enthusiastic as her about the new teacher. "I'm a teacher's aid for Drama this year," I said as I turned and closed my locker and we made our way to the classroom, "I'll have him three times. Twice one day and once the next. I'm helping with one of his freshman classes and one of his sophomore classes." "You lucky bitch," she said swatting at my arm as we walked into the class to see most of the familiar faces we normally shared Drama with. But the new teacher wasn't in here yet. "So what's this teacher's name," I asked as we both took our seats in the back of the room and I glanced down at my paper to see it read Mr. Reedus.

"So," I whispered as the final bell rang signaling the start of class and our teacher had yet to appear, "how was Health with Mr. Flanery." "I sense teasing in that tone," she said glaring playfully at me, "but it was amazing!" I laughed and rolled my eyes while shaking my head at her. I pulled out my papers I had been doodling on in Science and began to doodle once more when I heard the door to the class room open and everyone went silent. I kept my head down drawing, I knew the teacher had entered and I just didn't want to look up yet. I noticed to my side that Liz looked about ready to melt in her seat. "Hello everybody sorry I'm late, had to run to the men's room real quick," came a familiar voice from the front of the class room that caused my pencil to freeze, "my name is Mr. Reedus but all of you could call me Mr. R if you prefer." I slowly lifted my head up, my eyes rising faster than my head, and was rendered speechless by the pair of blue eyes that met my green ones.

A/N: okay so this is the first chapter of my new Norman Reedus story and I'm really excited about this one. But this story isn't at the top of my priority list. My main focus will be on my Daryl Dixon story Not Alone so this will have slower updates. So just bare with me and I hope you enjoy the story. :)

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