Chapter 12

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It felt so weird sleeping in his bed with him last night, partly after what happened before we finally went to sleep. Also I still wasn’t used to this. That next morning Norman had carried me downstairs to the kitchen where he placed me on the counter island while he turned around and began making breakfast for the two of us. I was still clad in just his shirt from yesterday and my panties as I sat there swinging my feet back and forth as I watched him while giggling every time he said something funny or messed up whatever he was doing. At one point when there was nothing on any of the eyes of the stove that’d burn, Norman turned around and placed himself between my legs, wrapping his arms around my waist as mine went up to his neck while he placed a passionate kiss on my lips.
I smiled as he pulled his lips away from mine, but still standing right in front of me as I bit my lower lip, looking into his blue eyes that seemed to sparkle in the morning light. “What,” I asked as I blushed a little from his intense gaze. “I like you in my shirt,” he said smirking as I blushed before looking down and grabbing the edge of the shirt in my hands and stretching it out a bit as I looked at it. “I like me in your shirt too,” I said smiling as I looked back up at him and bit my lower lip. “Ugh don’t do that Stephanie,” he said groaning as he stepped back from me. “Do what,” I asked innocently as bit my lower lip again just to tease him. “That,” he said as I smiled at him. I laughed as he turned his back to me and turned off the stove before walking back over with two plates full of food and handing me one.
I looked down at the plate, my mind suddenly elsewhere as I placed it down beside me where I still sat on the counter. “Stephanie what’s wrong,” Norman’s voice asked, snapping me out of my daze from where I was still staring at my plate of food which was placed beside me now. I slowly turned my head back to face him as I lifted my eyes to see him watching me with a worried look clear on his face. It may not have seemed like it but when I woke up this morning to find Norman’s arms wrapped around my waist and I could feel his warm breath on the back of my neck, I couldn’t stop this one thought from entering my mind. I had told him that I wasn’t ready, but maybe I was.
“Stephanie,” Norman’s voice broke through my hazy thoughts as I felt his hand be placed on my cheek, causing me to look up at him after I didn’t even realize I had looked away again. I looked up into his blue eyes, looking back and forth as I searched them before I would decide if I’d speak my mind to him. “Stephanie what’s wrong,” he asked again as he looked down to my other side while placing his own plate of food down on the counter before moving to position himself in between my legs once again and putting his other hand on the other side of my face so that he was holding my face to look up at him. “I was just thinking,” I whispered out, lowering my green eyes from his intense baby blue gaze. “About what sweetheart,” he asked.
“About us,” I whispered, “about last night.” I heard him lightly chuckle as I slowly lifted only my gaze to look at him to see the sweetest smile on his face. “You enjoyed yourself last night,” he said smiling warmly at me, “I could understand why that’d still be on your mind. It was a new experience for you.” “Yeah,” I said nodding, “it was. But there’s also something else I’ve been thinking about, since we woke up this morning.” “And what would that be,” he asked smiling as he placed both his hands on my waist while still standing in front of me. “I know I said I wasn’t ready for anything other than what we did last night,” I said slowly as I lowered my gaze once more feeling my cheeks heat us, “but I think maybe I am ready for that next step.”
I felt him shift slightly, his grasp tighten just a bit on my waist as I slowly looked up once more to see he looked like he was struggling to get his emotions under control. I didn’t want him thinking that he was forcing me into anything, this was just a thought that came to mind as soon as I was awake this morning in his bed. “Norman,” I whispered as I lifted my hand and placed it on his cheek so he’d focus on me, “I know what thought is running through your head. You’re not forcing this on me. It’s a thought that came to mind first thing this morning. And I think if I wasn’t ready then I probably wouldn’t have allowed you to do that to me last night.”
“Are you absolutely sure Stephanie,” he asked searching my eyes for any signs that I might back out of this, “I really don’t want you thinking that all I want you for is for the sex. We can wait as long as you want if you’re not ready.” “Norman,” I said grabbing his face to silence him, “you’re babbling. Stop, I’m sure this is what I want. But if you keep doubting it the I will begin to doubt it. Don’t make me end up talking myself out of this. I’m sure.” I watched as his eyes continued to search mine before a slow smile made its way across his lips. I watched as he stepped closer, his body pressed against mine as I sat on the edge of the counter and wrapped my arms around his neck as he lowered his head, bring his lips to my own.
I enjoyed the kiss, as his tongue entered my mouth and began taking claim over every inch of it. My fingers tangled themselves in his brown hair as his hands on my waist pulled me that much closer to him, feeling every inch of his body, including the obvious bulge in his pajama pants. When he finally pulled away from the kiss, I whimpered slightly from the loss. “Don’t worry sweetheart,” he whispered as he helped me down off the counter before grabbing one of my hands, “don’t think you want to do that down here in the kitchen.” I lowered my head, allowing my hair to fall into my face to hid, as I felt another blush make its way onto my cheeks as he led the way upstairs to his bedroom.
He allowed me to enter his room first before shutting the door behind him and turning to look at me as I stood awkwardly at the foot of his bed. “You’re one hundred percent sure about this,” he asked when he walked back over to me, “I don’t want you regretting what will happen.” “I won’t,” I whispered as I looked up at his looming figure before seeing that small smile play across his face again. He nodded once before reaching for the hem of the shirt I was wearing, lifting it off my body and leaving me in nothing but my bra and panties yet again. Once the shirt was off and discarded somewhere in the room, he bent down and pulled his pajama pants off and tossing them away before straightening back up and wrapping his arms around my waist and bringing his lips to my own.

Teacher's Aide (A Norman Reedus Love Story) ✔Where stories live. Discover now