Chapter 6

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Friday finally came and to say I was nervous was an understatement. Lucky me that Friday was the day when I was his teacher’s aid at the end of the day. So, when the final bell rang for the end of the day, I helped him clean up the class and put papers away as other students left to head out to their parents’ cars or to their buses. I had my back to the entire classroom, putting away a few books that had been left out when someone spoke behind me. “You ready to go,” they asked as I jumped, placing my hand to my heart and turning around to see Mr. R, “sorry didn’t mean to startle you.” “It’s okay,” I said smiling as I felt my cheeks warm with a blush, “yeah let’s go.” He smiled and nodded his head to the door and allowed me to exit out of the room first before following behind me.

I watched when we got to the parking lot as he walked over to his bike, climbing on and then starting it up before driving over to where I was parked still. “Okay so just follow behind me,” he said looking over at me as I sat in my car. I nodded after starting the car then pulled out of parking space I was in and pulling around, following him off school grounds and off into the other direction from which I’d normally go to head home. “I can do this,” I said taking deep breaths as I followed the motorcycle that had my teacher on it, “I’m just tutoring his son. Nothing will happen.” I was interrupted from my small pep talk when I noticed him turn into the driveway to this house that looked nice on the outside. Making me really excited to see the inside. I parked my car out in his driveway and stepped out as I stared up at the beautiful two story house in front of me while he parked his bike inside the garage beside the house.

“When you finish looking at the outside of the house you can come in and have a look around,” Mr. Reedus said causing me to jump as he laughed, “my son will be home shortly so you can come in and get started on your homework if you’d like.” “Yeah okay sure,” I said looking down from the house to him and nodding as I reached into the back seat of my car and pulled out my book bag. I placed one of the shoulder straps over my shoulder before closing the door and followed him to the front door and inside the house. “Wow,” I breathed out as I looked around the bottom floor of the house. “You can have a look around if you’d like,” he said smiling at me when I looked to him and nodded before walking to the left side of the foyer were the main stairs that led upstairs were. It seemed like the whole left side of the downstairs portion of the house was the living room alone.

The back wall to the room was covered in floor to ceiling windows looking out to the backyard. Once I finished checking out the living room, I walked over to the right side of the house where Mr. Reedus had disappeared to and found more open space. This time however, it was a large kitchen and a dining room. “This place is so big and open,” I said looking around in awe as I placed my bag on the table, standing behind the chair in front of it. “Thank you,” he said as I slowly turned my attention from his house to him, “sometimes I wonder if it’s too big for just me and my son.” “Well I think it’s beautiful,” I said smiling at him. “Would you like something to drink,” he asked after a few minutes, “shouldn’t be too much longer before my son is home from school.” “No thank you,” I said shaking my head as I sat down in front of my bag, “how old is your son?” “Ten,” he said, “he’ll be eleven in October.”

I nodded as I started digging through my bag looking for my homework that I had. “Do you mind if I get started on some of my things that way I’ll have less to do when I get home,” I asked looking up at him where he stood in the kitchen leaning on the island bar that separated the kitchen front the dining room where I sat. “Go ahead,” he said nodding, “it shouldn’t be too much longer though.” “Okay,” I said nodding as I pulled out my Math assignment and got started on it. As I was working on my homework, a glass of water was placed down in front of me on the table but far enough away where I wouldn’t knock it over and ruin my work. “Oh um thanks,” I said looking up when he had leaned over me from my left shoulder to place it down. “No problem,” he said smiling at me as he straightened up and walked away from the table just as we heard what sounded like a school bus, “that should be him. I’ll go see.” I nodded and watched him walk away before I turned back to my things and placed them in my bag. As I stood up from the table, grabbing the glass of water and taking a sip out of it, Mr. Reedus walked in with a small blonde boy beside him.

“Stephanie this is my son Mingus,” he said placing his hand on the back of the boy’s shoulders, “Ming this is one of my students, Stephanie. She’s agreed to help you with your studies.” “Hi,” the boy said shyly as he looked from me to his father then back to me. “Hi there,” I said smiling sweetly at him, “c’mon let’s get this started that way you can do what you want sooner.” “Okay,” he said smiling as he ran into the dining room where I stood and placed his back pack down on the table beside mine as I looked do his dad who was smiling. “I’ll leave you two to do your work,” he said as I nodded and turned around, taking my seat beside Mingus so we could get started with his homework. “Hey Stephanie,” I heard a voice call behind me as I was getting ready to help him so I turned around, “thanks for agreeing to help.” “No problem Mr. R,” I said smiling at him and turning back to his son.

OMG I'm so sorry it took me forever to update this!! I have a small case of writer's block but I think we're good for now. Thanks to everyone who's been patient with me and thanks for the over 1k reads!

- Kenz

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