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“Norman,” I called up from the bottom of the stairs, “Avery, Mingus c’mon let’s go.” “We’re coming,” I heard Norman’s voice before he, along with the two boys, walked down the stairs. “Happy birthday Mommy,” the smallest boy said as he ran down the stairs and latched on to my leg. “Thank you baby,” I said bending over and picking up the little four year old the best I could. “Yeah happy birthday Mom,” Mingus said as he walked down the rest of the stairs and hugged me. “I’m still not used to you saying that,” I said smiling at the teenager beside me. “Get used to it because you basically are my mom now,” he said laughing as hugged me. “Hey sweetheart,” Norman said once he finally reached the bottom step and kissed my cheek. “What took so long,” I asked smiling as he shrugged. “Had to get Avery dressed,” he said before turning to the toddler in my arms, “and c’mere you. We don’t wanna hurt your little brother or sister now do we?”

“You know Norman,” I said as Mingus led the way out of the house and over to my parked car, “we could easily find out what we’re having if you’d just look in the envelop taped to the refrigerator door.” “Nope,” he said shaking his head as he placed Avery in his car seat and Mingus climbed into the backseat beside him, “I want it to be a surprise like Avery here was.” I groaned at the man’s stubbornness as I placed my left hand on my small bump, looking down at it along with the wedding band and engagement ring from Norman. “You feeling alright darling,” Norman asked as he closed the back door and looked to me. “Perfectly fine Norman,” I said smiling, “I just still can’t believe I got married to my teacher and have one kid with him already and another on the way. I’m just now twenty-three.” “I don’t think either of us expected it,” he said as he helped me into the passenger seat of the car, “but I wouldn’t change a thing about what we have.”

I smiled at my husband as I watched him shut my door before walking all the way around to the driver side and climbing in. Once he had backed out of the driveway and pulled off down the road to our destination, I rested my arm on the center console only to have Norman lace his fingers in with mine and smile over at me before turning his attention back to the road. “Are Sean and Liz meeting us there,” Mingus asked sitting up forwards in his seat some. “Yeah,” I said looking back to him, “they’re bringing their daughter Jessie with them. It’s hard to believe that little girl turns two in a couple months.” “All the kids are growing up fast,” Norman said smiling back in the rear view mirror at his youngest son. I smiled over at him as he brought his attention back to me before returning it to the rode as we headed to the park, our destination.

“So Mingus what do you want the baby to be,” I asked as the car slowly arrived at the park, “another baby brother or a little sister?” “I wouldn’t mind a little sister,” he said smiling up at me as Norman parked the car, “that way I could be the protective older brother.” I laughed at him before turning my attention to my son. “What about you sweetie,” I asked him, “little brother or sister?” “Brother,” he shouted enthusiastically earning a laugh from all three of us. “I’ll be happy with whatever the baby is,” Norman said after the car was parked and turned off, bending over the center console and placing a gentle kiss on the small bump. I smiled as he lifted his head, love and adoration clearly showing in his baby blue eyes. “But if I had to choose,” he said smiling up at me, “I’d ask for a little girl who is the spitting image of her mother. Breathtakingly beautiful and will have me sitting on my steps every afternoon to scare off the next potential boyfriend.”

I smiled shaking my head as we all climbed out of the car, me being greeted my Liz in a hug that was just starting to get awkward with the size of my stomach. “You’ve gotten slightly bigger since you last showed your face,” she said smiling as she placed both her hands on my stomach and smiled down at my belly, “do you know what you’re having yet?” “No,” I said as I shot a glare at Norman once he pulled our son out of the car and Mingus was greeting her with a hug himself, “Norm over there won’t let me open the envelop on the refrigerator to see what it is.” “Sean was the same way with Jessie,” she said smiling as she glanced over at her own husband who had a tired looking Jessie in his arms.

“Hey Sean,” I said smiling as I walked over to him after he greeted Norman and Avery in his arms, “and how’s little Jessie doing?” “She was up all night last night,” he said as he passed the tired toddler to me and I carefully placed her on my hip. “Poor thing,” I said as I gently stroked her short brown hair out of her eyes, “Avery didn’t get on a good sleep schedule until he was two and a half.” “How’s baby number two,” Sean asked as he looked to my stomach, “or in Norman’s case baby number three.” “Healthy,” I said as I placed my free hand on my stomach, “had a visit with the doctor two weeks ago. Said everything’s good and the baby is perfectly healthy.” “C’mon guys,” Liz said causing us all to look at her, “there’s only so many hours in the day that we can celebrate Stephanie’s birthday, let’s go!”

We laughed as we all followed behind her after I handed Jessie over to her dad. So much had changed in just one year with me being the new teacher’s aid my senior year of high school. Honestly, I wouldn’t have had the chance to meet the man I’m with now if it wasn’t for his best friend talking him into teaching at our school. I owe my marriage and growing family to the health teacher, Mr. Sean Flanery, my best friend’s husband. I hope to see many more years with every single one of these people around me and to grow old with Norman by my side and our grandchildren surrounding us. I couldn’t ask for a better life than what I’ve been given, even with the few hardships we faced while I was still in school, and I sure as hell wouldn’t change a thing.

That's it guys. I know so sad. By the way in my opinion the epilogue sucked but it was good enough. Everyone's asking for a sequel and I'm overjoyed y'all liked it that much but I'm afraid there won't be a sequel. I honestly didn't see this going past the school year. Again I'm glad everyone liked it even though I hit a major snag in the beginning when I had been writing the sixth chapter but I managed to pull through with the help of a friend and I can happily say I've completed this story. Who knows maybe I'll write another one like it in a way someday. :)
- Kenz

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